
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Colorful Crocheted Scarf for Homeless

Thank you Sandie P for this colorful and very soft scarf.  I love these colors.  What's this yarn called?  Sandie is a long time supporter of Bridge and Beyond.  We appreciate your dedication to the cause over all these years.  For those who may be new to reading this blog, Sandie and I met working together on a different charity YEARS ago...Katrina hit her area and she organized a charity to help people during that time, so you know how long ago that was.  Sandie and I have known each other here on line for all those years.

Thank you Sandie P, as always keep up the marvelous work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. Percentages are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. That is a nice scarf Sandie P. I liked your story on how you two met.

    1. Thank you Sue for the visit, comment and your on going support.

  2. Sandy, the yarn is I Love This Yarn Autumn Stripes.

  3. Very pretty! I might have to break my yarn fast (no buying yarn) and pick some up!

    1. I hear ya Cynthia. I did that with buying yarn to work on a blanket of many colors. Didn't have that type, though plenty of other yarn. One wonders if it's possible to really use it all up. But, we keep trying.


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