
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Crocheted Scarf Warms Homeless in Need

This nice red crocheted scarf is super thick.  I'm not sure if it's double thickness or a very bulky yarn?  It comes off the crochet hook of our long time supporter, Sandie P from Louisiana.  I love the color, such a pretty shade of red.  It's nice and big so whomever gets this can wrap it around a couple of times for added comfort and warmth.

Many thanks Sandie for your long term support of Bridge and Beyond and Ohio's Homeless in need.  This red is such a good color and works well for men or women.  I also love how soft it is.

Many many thanks for thinking of us here in the cold.  We appreciate you, your talent, and your longevity.  Keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current, the percentages not quite. I'll not be figure the percentages with each update of numbers, but will be updating again next at least by the 20th. I have in fact made a reminder not on my cell phone for the 20th of each month to do percentages. If we're at a milestone, or I just have extra time I may do it more often...but certainly at that scheduled time.

** All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What a cheerful color! Very nice! I bet it’s soft and cozy too

    1. Absolutely agree with you, thank you Cynthia.

  2. It's a super bulky yarn Hometown Tampa Spice. I picked it up at Walmart. I agree it's very soft and cushy.

  3. Very nice scarf Sandie!


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