
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mountain Haze Afghan

This is another afghan designed from stripes.  These stripes are very close to the same size and will probably need less work with edging than some of the other designs.  Mountain Haze seems a good name, with green for trees and perhaps meadows, blue for sky, gray for the smoky mornings and lavender for the haze that we often see with the changing sun light.  I'll be edging and joining the stripes with blue, and then making a reasonable border of the blue which should make the afghan a good size to snuggle under.

If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you may already know I am trying to get a really good start to the year with making afghans, as we did not make our goal last year.  Have you knitted or crocheted an afghan for Bridge and Beyond?  If not, would you consider making one...nudge nudge.  Remember nothing open or lacey works as well as warm and sturdy.  Stitches don't have to be fancy.  Color can be your interest instead of stitches.  If you have questions, please make contact.  Take time to read the afghan tab above .

Thank you for all you do to help the homeless and Bridge and Beyond and please keep up the good works folks.  YOU do make an important difference in lives of other human beings.

**The counts on our progress bars are current, the percentages not quite. I'll not be figure the percentages with each update of numbers, but will be updating again next at least by the 20th. I have in fact made a reminder not on my cell phone for the 20th of each month to do percentages. If we're at a milestone, or I just have extra time I may do it more often...but certainly at that scheduled time.

** All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Love those colors! I'm working on an afghan for Bridge & Beyond now!!

    1. So happy to hear that Lisa. Keep up the good work, and thanks for the visit. Much appreciated. Hope to see you here often reading and commenting.

  2. Nice afghan. I like all the nice stripes. That is wonderful Lisa that you are also making an afghan for Bridge and Beyond!

    1. Thank you Sue, and so agree it's cool to know Lisa is crafting at the same time I am.

  3. Replies
    1. Stay tuned for the end result, and thanks for the visit.


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