
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Afghans and Homeless

There are so many faces of homelessness.  Some of the faces though are faces not often seen.  5 people in this picture at a traffic light waiting to cross.  The picture seems to make a point of showing how faceless the homeless person on the ground is.  Several appear to be purposely looking any other direction.  The young woman, takes what appears to be a quick sideways glance.....and then we assume the light changes.  I am told in a good number of articles I've read, we as a society look away because it makes us uncomfortable.  We look away because it's easier not to see the faces.

Several years ago I entered a blog contest that challenge bloggers to blog in alphabetically order.  It was a daily challenge.  I am going to attempt to blog in ABC order in hopes of having more blog posts written, even if there are no donations to show that particular day.  I'm probably not going to be able to do it daily,  but will attempt the ABC to have something here much more often that last year.  More frequent posts are suppose to help the SEO placement, just like more blog visits do, and more blog comments and sharing links etc.  So, I'll be sharing pictures, some stats and some of things I've found along the way about homelessness.

A=Afghan Afghans
Goal: 36
Start: #1
Current: 1



This is our current Tally and Goal regarding Afghans.  36, our goal is an average of the afghans donated over the last 5 years here on Bridge and Beyond.  We've started, and have had 1 donated so far, thus are current number is 1, and you see the percentage of goal accomplished.

I still have squares, stripes, and some pieces parts of things that have been donated over the years that eventually become afghans.  Additionally, sometimes I knit or crochet a ghan from start, and many of you good people do that same.   If you're new to the blog you might not know how our Afghans are used and or why we donate them.

This afghan is one my Great Grandmother made.  I consider it quite a marvelous treat that I still have this.  It's quite old.  Currently, it's not being used and is need of repair; but it's this afghan that propelled me to think how special afghans can be to people.  We donate afghans to families transitioning from shelter living to a permanent housing situation.  With their afghan specially packaged in a clear very large ziplock bag with handles is a letter briefly telling them we congratulate them on their accomplishment, we wish them well in the future and that the afghan is a celebration for them.  The letter tells them how to launder the afghan so that it can withstand the test of time, using a quick story about me having this afghan from my Great Grandmother.

Naturally afghans keep people warm and everyone loves to curl up under one.  It's a feeling of being loved, and comforted.  So, we donated afghans to Homeless Families Foundation and hope that we are providing warmth, comfort, and a sense of pride and accomplishment, as well as hope for the future.

Here's the link for our Afghan Tab
Please take a minute and read the information about size, laundering, perfumes, smoking, pets etc if you're knitting or crocheting an afghan to donate to an appreciative family.

**TRULY, our ghans are received as very precious items.   This is a note from one of my contacts from Homeless Families Foundations.
Sandy  - I wanted to share a story with you...Today one of our clients came in and he was picking out some scarves and hats from what you brought in for us. He started talking about how he use to have a blanket that his grandmother had crocheted for him and due to moving around a lot he had lost it. When I pulled out one of the wonderful blankets you had brought into us and told him that his grandmother didn't make it but hopefully he could think about her when he uses it, he was so thankful. He darn near started to cry which gave me the goosebumps. So thank you once again for all that you do for us at The Homeless Families Foundation. It truly means a lot to our families!

That's the afghan she gave him.  During a later delivery to Homeless Families Foundation, I met the gentleman from the above story.  It was a very special feeling for me.  So,please know if you've knitted or crocheted afghans in the past for Bridge and Beyond, they are very special.  AND, if you've not in the past; please do consider making one to donate.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I remember your ABC challenge from a few years ago. I was always looking forward to seeing what you were going to write about. That is a heart touching store about the man who got an afghan.


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