
Friday, March 10, 2017

Hats and Scarves Oh My

Look at this awesome donation of warm hats, scarves and mittens!  LOVE the nice variety of colors of sizes.  Something here for everyone.  Thank you Barbara H for tagging and pairing the mittens together with their size, and the sizes for hats as well.  This saves so much time for all the volunteers at the various shelters.

The gray scarf in the middle is gorgeous!  I LOVE LOVE the plaid look.  How did you do that?  Folks, please be sure to click to enlarge the picture so you can how awesome this scarf is.

Thank you also for taking time to deliver your donation in person!  It's much appreciated.

Please keep up the good work.

2016 Donations:
HATS: 404-4=400
SCARVES (Gators, Infinity): 322-4=318
MITTENS: 80-3=77
SOCKS: 123

**We started the year with the number of items we had donated last year, 2016; and will subtract our donations from that.  Using the end number for 2016 as the goal for the each item.  So, as the year continues you will see numbers decrease.  Our goal is to meet and surpass the number of items donated last year.**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice donation Barbara H! I do agree with Sandy. The gray scarf is very nice looking.


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