
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Donating Bombas Socks Helps Homeless

Thank you Bruce B from Colorado.  Bruce has graciously donated these awesome Bambas Socks.  There 8 very nice pairs.  They are very warm and nice and soft, and the special part about this 8 pair of socks he's donated to Bridge and Beyond for the Homeless.  Bombas has also donated 8 pair of socks to a local shelter.  This buy one donate one program is part of the mission of the company.  So, he was able to double his donation and help homeless in need in two different areas at the same time.  How cool is that!

Bruce is a fellow Fitbit Friend from a group called 60 Plus Trackers and Chatters.  We spur each other on to get our daily steps and have through the beauty of Fitbit really gotten acquainted with a great bunch of folks.

Thank you Bruce for your thoughtful donation, it's greatly appreciated.  Socks seem so perfect for someone who's stepping out!

**Would the person who donated red and gray socks, knitted hat and scarf please make contact.  You can email me at, leave a comment here on the blog, and or leave a note using the contact form here on the blog.**

2016 Donations:
HATS: 454
SCARVES (Gators, Infinity): 324
SOCKS: 135-8=127

**We started the year with the number of items we had donated last year, 2016; and will subtract our donations from that.  Using the end number for 2016 as the goal for the each item.  So, as the year continues you will see numbers decrease.  Our goal is to meet and surpass the number of items donated last year.**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

1 comment:

  1. Nice donation of socks Bruce B! WOO HOO!!! More warm feet.


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