
Monday, February 29, 2016

Crocheted Ladies Hats Help Warm those in Need

Thank you Barbara F for this awesome donation of ladies hats!  Several different styles here folks, do click to enlarge the picture so you can see the styles.  Special thanks for tagging the hats with size, so very much appreciated by many people.

 Folks when you click to enlarge, please notice what Barbara used to tag these has.  She's simply used colored paper, cut in circles and tied the tags on with yarn.  I wanted to point this out, as some folks have asked how.  Some purchase the little white tags that have string, that works great too.  Some have used index cards cut in shapes.  The tags don't need to be fancy but, I would like to ask that you not use paper clips, tape, straight pins, or safety pins.  All those have to be removed for safety and can cause problems with the fraying the yarn.  Taping a note doesn't present a safety problem, but it also doesn't work, as it doesn't stay attached.

As always Barbara, many thanks and keep up the good work!

Hats:  368 -13 =355
Scarves:  164
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 103
Slippers: 101
Rain Poncho's:  105
Cotton Washcloths:  432
Afghans:   18
Socks: 201
Cowls/Hoody Combo's, headbands:  9
Shawls and shrugs, ponchos, sweaters & vests etc 0
Misc: items like personal care, headbands etc and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

Please note the category of shawl, shrugs, ponchos etc has reached our little goal, same as last year of 1.........but please please please.........don't let that stop you from making more of these items.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Sandy, thanks so much for the tips about labels - I finally got around to tagging my donations, and oh no, I used safety pins! I always attach them through the loops of a stitch so they don't damage the yarn, but I never thought of it being a safety issue. I'm so glad I read this before shipping!

    1. Thanks Jenny for your visit and comment, both are appreciated. The last person who used safety pins caused some fraying so I thought it best I post.

  2. Nice donation of hats Barbara. Lots more warn heads.

  3. great hat donations and I think some could be for men too.


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