
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blue Sea-Blue Ocean Afghan

 These 4 knitted panels from Mary Hoyt are very close in length and put together will become an afghan.  I love the mix of colors, the blocks and patches of various sizes.  Blues and Greens...almost a sandy green.  Made me think of the sand that churns up as the tide  goes in and out.  The Ocean and or Sea is sometimes green, sometimes blue, sometimes a mix.  Other times it's close to brown or brownish green or brownish blue.
A different view.  As I tossed the panels down I immediately put the solid greenish...sand panel next to the one where that color also appears.  But, after staring at these photo's awhile I think perhaps switching it up so it's not next to it...I think flip flopping the solid panel with the panel on the far right side might be a better option????

So far I'm thinking Blue Sea or Blue Ocean for the name.  Way in folks, what do you think?  I'm sure I have something in my stash to add a bit to panel closest to us in this picture to make it the same length as the other panels.  I really like the look and think this will be make an awesome afghan.  The yarn I think is a chunky yarn, it's quite soft with the stitches nice and close so it will be warm.

Let me know your thoughts folks.

Hats: 466
Scarves &  Infinity Scarves: 190
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 121
Slippers: 105
Rain Poncho's:  105
Cotton Washcloths: 454
Afghans: 24
Socks: 201
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 18
Shawls 2
** pending scarf panels 10
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Nice colors, Mary H. Blue Sea, Blue Ocean is a good name for the afghan. It will look good when it is put together. Did you finish Rusty Nails?

    1. Not quite, but soon Sue. I generally have the next one going in my mind while finishing up the current one, lol


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