
Monday, July 20, 2015

Don Gould Homeless Musician, Sarasota Florida.

Please turn on your sound and enjoy this.  Proving once again, Homeless People are just that, people like us deserving of respect and not scorn.  This very talented man, is homeless, but that doesn't make him any less talented.  This is Don Gould and his story was told by Deborah Montesano in Sarasota Florida, after Aurone Henry took the initiative.

Aurone stopped, listed,d and filmed Don playing beautifully.  She posted her video on u-tube and when I saw this (remember I schedule posts ahead), the video had been viewed over 4 million times.  So many of us look away, we don't want to see the homeless person.  If we see them, we might be reminded it could be us, or perhaps if we see them; we feel compelled to do something....and it's so much easier to just look away.  It, the problem of homelessness doesn't exist if you don't see it.

Don wanted to be a music teacher, and was a student in Spring Arbor College in Michigan.  He learned to play many instruments from the piccolo to the tuba, but had to leave school before he graduated because he ran out of money.  Later, he got married and started a family.  Then his life took a horrible turn, a turn that could and does affect many of us.  His wife died in 1998, and for him, all was lost.  She was young, and his words, "he lost it."  That led to substance abuse,which lead to his 3 year old son being taken away from him.  A man loved by his wife, his son, a family man....and now he has nothing.

He made his way to Florida after losing his son, though each and everyday he thought about him.  He plays and puts his hat out to collect a little money on a public piano.  Aurone captured his magic on the piano, which has lead to auditions and a job at a piano bar.  Perhaps this will be the 2nd turn around in his life and help get him off the streets.  Perhaps his son would now be 18 will see the video, perhaps they'll re-connect.

Wishing the best for this talent man, Don Gould who life kicked down.  Help us all to understand being homeless is truly something that can happen to anyone.  Help us, as a nation to do what we can to help and to not label them as dangerous, nasty, bums and all the other horrible words you often see associated with being homeless.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Thank you Don for bringing beauty to a world that could have done better by you.I understand that alot of this kind of thing is not anyones fault. Not Dons,and not even the people who probably tried to help and could not really help him in his need. It was a downhill slide started by life out of control by tragic incidents that could not be helped. Some would say if Don had held it together at the time of his wifes death this would not be the story we are seeing here today, but some of us do not have the strength to see our way through tragedy and it all can turn bad so quickly. God bless Don and all those like him struggling to survive in a world where some have so much and others have nothing. Bring him some peace.and hope for the future.
    Another Hot week ahead. hopefully the rain is done for awhile. We had another storm on Sat. night. Need to get my yard work done.
    GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. marj in minnesota

  2. What a beautiful person with a beautiful talent. I pray he gets his life turned around for the better!

    1. Thank you Lisa for the visit, will be catching up for the next few days with comments, blog visits and blog posts.

  3. I had seen this before; he does have great talent! I too hope he does turn his life around and can reconnect with his son!


    1. Would that be something, to re-connect with his son. Thank you Betty.

  4. I have seen this video before through Facebook-I am glad he is now working in a bar at the piano. I hope he can finds some peace

    1. I do as well Birgit, and thanks for the visit.

  5. I saw this on TV. They showed him cleaned up with new clothes, hair cut and shave. Spring Arbor College was going to reach out to him to see if he would like to go back to college. Don has wonderful talent. I hope he will keep playing that beautiful music. God bless him!

    1. I read that too, later...after posting this and hope so much that he's able to do what he wants with his life and talent.

  6. THANKS FOR TH UPDATE SUE. Hope this means Don is able to take the oppurtunities offered him . Some have a hard time accepting what is offered. He looks like a good candidate. GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. marj in minnesota

    1. So true Marj, when one has been without for so long, outside of society, it's very difficult to meld back in.

  7. Watching this video gave me chills. This goes to show you there is talent everywhere. I hope he is successful in the rest of his life. I also hope that he is reunited with his son soon. So talented.


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