
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Crocheted Scarves for Ohio's Homeless

Thank you Ruth A for this thoughtful donation of 5 crocheted scarves.  The scarves are very nicely sized to be able to wrap around and keep someone warmer.  Sorry the picture is a bit blurry folks, my camera battery was just about gone when I photographed this donation.  The blue ones will work for either male or female, as will the black and gray, and pretty pinks and blue will wow the ladies.

Please keep up the good work Ruth!

Hats: 245
Scarves 98+5=103
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 46
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  104
Cotton Washcloths: 247
Afghans: 18
Socks: 157
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Beautiful job Ruth. That black and white one really catches the eye:+) Love the Blue ones. Very nice and will be appreciated. Love the girlie ones too. Guess whart I am trying to say is I like them all.:+) Very nice donation
    Thanks for thinking of the homeless even when it is so hot out. Yarn is not alot of fun in the heat. It is supposed to be 95 here today and feel like 105.That is a little over the top for anyone.We have Lots of lakes and I am sure the libraries and cool spots will be packed.Hope all of our homeless friends are able to find a litle shade and cool. Always worry about them and the elderly. Check on your people and help out where you can.I always keep water in the trunk, even if it is not cold it is wet.
    GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS marj in minnesota

    1. Right you are Marj. Keeping water in the trunk of your car is an excellent idea, and easy to do. And even though it's not cold, you are's still wet and can be essential to dehydration out in the elements.

  2. Love the scarves and the blue one, naturally, caught my eye. They will be great when the cold weather starts

    1. They will all be great when the weather turns cold and sadly it will way too soon.

  3. Very nice Ruth! You sure have been busy in this warm weather! I like the black and white scarf. They all are nice, but as soon as I saw the black and white one, I thought what an interesting pattern it made.

    1. Right you are Sue,they are all great, but I too was drawn to the black and white. It's always fun to see how the variegated patterns are going to turn out, you just don't know.

  4. I love making scarves too. Yours are very nice!


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