
Friday, June 26, 2015

Sorting Yarn

Sniker..........another chuckle for you all.  I've re-organized by stash several different ways, way weight, by type, then as it color, so this spoke to me.  Does it you?

If I move it from the sofa to floor will I have more room?  hehe...

If you find cute pictures or fun comics we can share during these light donation times on the blog,  please message me.  Happy to share. As most of you know I try to have something up as close to daily as possible, though sometimes ...I'm not able.  The more frequent the blog is updated the better for it's placement in search engines...........the better we place in search engines the easier we are to find in a search............the easier we are to find in a search the more people offer their help.........the more people we have helping us....................the better our ability is to help others.

Email me, or contact me via the contact form in the right side bar.

Likewise if you see hear about a story about homeless that points out something we all should know, good, bad, or indifferent...........please let me know.

Hats: 238
Scarves 94
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  95+2=97
Cotton Washcloths: 221
Afghans: 17
Socks: 157
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. That is cute and I can relate to my massive film collection which is all around me as we write because I am trying to reorganize it:)

    1. I think we can all relate in some form...with anything we're trying to organize. Thanks Birgit

  2. This is cute. My stash has overtaken my walk-in bedroom closet. My husband is constantly moving things around and now I don't know where what is!!! I use to have it sorted by color because I mostly have the same weight yarn. It's a good thing I usually make only one skein items isn't it? So all I need to do is pull out a skein at a time.

  3. Good point Sherry. I too make 1 skein items and I guess that is why it is easier to keep track of what I am doing in my little world. No big projects going on and that keeps it simpler.
    GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS marj in minnesota


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