
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Crocheted Hat from The United Kingdom

Thank you Julie T. from across the big pond (United Kingdom) for this thoughtful donation.  This hat is nice and stretching and will work for a variety of head sizes which is awesome.  I love that it's a nice color suitable for either a Man or Woman.  Thank you also Julie for tagging the hat with the size, that is so helpful to me as I separate donations for where they will end up and likewise for the various volunteers at the shelters.

How truly sweet of you to offer your help for Ohio's Homeless all the way from England!

Hope to see you here often on Bridge and Beyond.

Hats: 222+1=223
Scarves 89
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  95
Cotton Washcloths: 195
Afghans: 11
Socks: 157
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What a treasure to receive help from so far away. You'll have to make the map worldwide. :-) Thanks, Julie, for your help.

    1. Thanks for the visit and sweet comment Sandie. I think I tried once to do a world map, but I did the map so long ago, can't quite remember. Think I listed other countries at one point, must check that out.

  2. THANKS SO MUCH JULIE. My sister just returned from a trip to the UK and loved every minute of it. Castles and all. Good times.
    Very sweet of you to send this beautiful hat, it will be much appreciated I am sure by anyone who receives it. I am sure the homeless problem is large in your country too. Hopefully we are all working to improve it and you have groups like the Bridge as well, it seems to be everywhere. GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS marj in minnesota

    1. Thank you Marj for your always thoughtful comments. How cool your sister got to travel to the UK. I've never been there.

  3. Very nice hat Julie T. How sweet of you to send in all the way across the big pond. The hat looks very soft and warm. We have had chilly nights here in MI lately, so I know a hat would be nice to wear outside to help keep someone warm.

    1. Right you are Sue, we're still having some chilly nights as well, off and on so I guess we're making headway.........finally.

  4. I think it is truly wonderful that someone from so far away would care enough to send a donation for our central Ohio Homeless.

    1. Oh Sherry I soooooooo agree. Thank you for your sweet comment.

  5. This is so thoughtful and a great hat for anyone who needs it

  6. All the way from across the pond! How lovely! To answer your question about contributions to The Women's Resource Centre from outside of Canada, I believe it would be the credit card company that would do the exchange the same as if someone purchased something from Canada from within the U.S. (I think!)

  7. Hi Sandy, Just popping in to see what you're up to. The hat looks warm and cozy.
    I love what you're doing.
    It's very hot here - I'm taking cold water bottles with me to hand out to the homeless around here.

  8. Hi Sandy, Just popping in to see what you're up to. The hat looks warm and cozy.
    I love what you're doing.
    It's very hot here - I'm taking cold water bottles with me to hand out to the homeless around here.


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