
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Donating Personal Care, Everyone Can Get Involved

I Collected some kitchen supplies, dish detergent, sponge, coffee, tea etc on a recent trip.  Thought all these would make a good donation to our friend Rae who feeds the homeless on Sat's.  Each coffee pack makes a full pot of coffee, which she'll be able to add to her prepared meals.
Likewise personal care items, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and lotions from the same trip.  Pretty amazing how much you can collect in one single vacation.  Remember folks when you travel be it personal or business this is an awesome opportunity to collect these little samples that are so needed by our homeless friends.  They take up no room in your luggage, so please bring them back with you and donate.  It's easy, it's free and it's something everyone can do.  You don't have to knit, to crochet, to loom, or quilt to be able to help.  Please tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family members to start saving these items when they travel and pass them along to you so you can donate to a worthy cause.

Did you see yesterday's post?  Have you started?  What am I talking about?  The Contest of Course.  If you missed reading about it, please........scroll back and read all about it and tell your yarny friends.  This is a chance for us all to have some fun, to win some yarn...something we all love, and a way to celebrate a recent milestone here on Bridge and Beyond.  A short while ago we hit 1500 blog posts!  We're now working our way to 2,000.

Please note, for the purpose of the contest, I've set up a special email account.  That will help me not loose sight of something that might get mixed in my regular email account.

Hats: 191
Scarves 73
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 115
Afghans: 8
Socks: 126
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Lots of nice personal items Sandy that you collected from your vacation. The coffee packages are a great idea for Rae.

    1. Not sure why I hadn't thought about the coffee packs previously, they usually have them and we buy coffee so don't use them when we travel. Thanks Sue, appreciate your visit and sweet comments.

  2. I never thought of that! That is a great idea and then give them to someone who helps the homeless. They would love it I would think

    1. Thanks Birgit, I've always collected the personal care, but never thought to collect the other stuff...better late than never I guess.

  3. Good idea with the soaps/shampoos at hotels/motels. We rarely travel, but when we do I'll definitely keep this in mind.


  4. I agree that this is a wonderful idea! I'll certainly mention it to anyone I know who will be traveling in the near future.


    1. Thank you Julie, every little bit helps.

  5. I wish I had thought about the Hotel soaps/shampoos etc when my husband had to stay in them continuously while OTR. He always had lots of unopened product left over that he brought back home. Nice donations all.


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