
Monday, April 13, 2015


 A-Z Challenge = K= Knitting
Knitting is the name of the craft that involves two needles and yarn or thread. Loops in the yarn are manipulated with the needles to make a knitted fabric.

The pretty primary colors you see in the yarn is reminiscent of the very first yarn I used when my Mom taught me to knit.  I was very young, I think maybe 7.  I knit a little scarf that was about 3-4 inches wide, similar to a headband, except that it covered the top of your head, your ears, then tapered and had ties to tie under your chin.  My Mom used a crochet hook to make the tapering and the tie.  I used 2 stitches knit and purl.  You knit on the front side and purl on the back side which means your doing the stockinette stitch.
Which looks like this.  It's what you see most often in sweaters, it's a smooth rather flat stitch.  Variegated yarns are fun cause you don't know the colors will come out.  That little scarf is the only thing I knitted.............took me what seemed like forever.  I didn't pick up knitting again until I was in my 40's.  It'a fond memory though of Mom teaching me.  Too bad she's no longer alive to know how much I enjoy the craft.

We knit, we crochet and we donate to help homeless and those in shelters.  Please join us.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. My grandmother tried to teach me how to knit around the same age. For some reason, it came out so tight I couldn't get the needle in to knit it. It was frustrating and no matter what I did, I couldn't loosen it. I tried it again a lot of years later and finally taught myself and got it. I like knitting and crocheting both equally. Knitting I find more relaxing. It doesn't matter to the homeless how you make something. The thought of someone actually taking the time to make something for them, must make them happy and appreciative.

    1. I think it's pretty common for new knitters to knit to tightly. I think it's because they're tense which translates to tigh tension with the yarn. I so agree with you Bunny, knit or crochet, doesn't matter how we make something, it's the fact that we do and that we donate it.

  2. Oh my, Sandy. Think I had a pair of mittens just like that when I was a kid. My mom knitted them for me back in the day. She always said she couldnt knit, but everytime we needed something it seemed to appear. Loved that stuff. My sisters both learned to knit, I had an aunt that knitted things that won prizes, at the fair. I was a leftie and as I have stated before was the odd man out when it came to that kind of thing, although I did manage to pick up crocheting by watching from the back side of their work.Crocheting was more my thing anyway as I dont have any patience and need instant gratification. Things seem to go more quickly with crochet. I am sure your mother knows about your beautiful crafting Sandy, and is proud of all you have accomplished. GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. marj in minnesota/ 65 degrees and sunny

    1. Agree with you Marj, crochet does go quickier then knitting. You do see something taking shape sooner. I enjoy both, but knitting bothers my arthritis less, so I tend to switch between the 2 crafts. Enjoy your weather!

  3. I've been taught how to knit, but for some reason, I just don't enjoy it as much. Also doesn't help that no pattern I've ever tried ever seems to work like it should. Or maybe that's a sign that I suck at knitting. :-D

    1. You might enjoy it more Misha, if you do something that doesn't requiire a pattern. Just find some cool yarn and do straight knitting and make a scarf that you don't have to think about.

  4. I enjoy knitting, mostly for family. Terrible speed though.

    Best wishes,

  5. Knitting and crocheting has helped me get through some very tough times.

  6. Those mitts are so colourful and fun looking. I tried knitting....not me-hahahaha but I know it is a great way, anything creative, to help one ease one's mind and if you help others-all the better

  7. Those mitts look nice and warm. Have never knitted....did learn to crochet, but it's been awhile. Thank you for visiting my blog :)
    Inventions by Women A-Z

  8. I had that same yarn! Made a scarf to give away to a child. I liked how it turned out, it was so colorful.
    My Grandmother taught me to knit. I must have been about 12 years old.

  9. I do know the stockinette stitch; now I hope I can find an easy pattern with it to make something for your group. I'm looking forward to it once the challenge is over.



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