
Saturday, April 4, 2015


Day #4, A-Z challenge = D= Donation.

What is a donation?  Google says it's a noun, it's origin is Latin, and it means the act of giving, especially to a charity, a contribution.  Our donations from Bridge and Beyond  for those living outside in the elements, those living day to day in various shelters give hope.  My google search tells me a Butterfly is the symbol for Hope.  I believe we give hope as well as physical warmth with our donations of hand crafted items.  Being cold, hungry...a person needs hope.

Many people immediately think of money when someone says the word donation.  Donations can be varied.  Donations can be money, they can be time, they can be products, they can be a combination of all 3.  We don't collect or donate money here on Bridge and Beyond.  We do donate our time...the time it takes to knit or crochet a hat, the time it takes to read or write blog posts, the time it takes to read or write blog comments.  We also donate, the finished work....the hat, the scarf or pair of mittens.  We donate personal care items and socks, those too are products.

Some folks may have the ability to donate more, some don't.  It's not the volume that's important, it's that we donate.  And truly every bit of it, every completed work, every minute of time all counts for something good.

Can you donate?  You don't have to be able to knit or crochet to donate.  You can donate socks, and or personal care items.  You can donate yarn, or postage to a friend who's donating through knitting and crocheting.  You can donate your time to read and posts comments to support those who are knitting and crocheting, you can help spread the word.  Please do what you can.  Please donate to those less fortunate, if not here on Bridge and Beyond, locally.  Every donation matters to someone!

Thank you AnneMarie for this awesome donation of personal care items.  What a fabulous donation.  These are all Avon products she purchased from our other good friend, Sherry K.  What a win win donation.  Personal Care items are needed all year long for men, and women.  Those in shelters as well as those living out in the elements are always in need.

Keep up the good work AnneMarie from New York!

Hats: 179
Scarves 67
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 50
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 109
Afghans: 6
Socks: 126
Cowls 12
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. THANKS ANNEMARIE. I am preparing a box like this myself for the ladies this time, and wanted to include some washclothes which are taking a little longer then I had planned for some reason. I do alot of donating here in the city., I find as I get older I dont need nearly as much stuff as I thought I did when I was younger:+) My sister and I enjoy donating to the vets monthly. So many need help and my mother was a big donater, so we inherited this need to give honestly!Everyone benefits, the giver and the receiver! GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS marj in minnesota/50 degrees

    1. Right you are Marj, we do need less then we think. Glad you're able to help those in your area, in addition to helping the homeless here on Bridge and Beyond.

  2. There are so very many worthwhile organizations that can use your donations; food banks, homeless shelters, abused womens shelters, humane socienties...the list goes on forever. No shortage of places to share your caring with.

    1. True Delores, many ways to help, it's just important to assess what you have and what niche it best fits.

  3. Like your first commenter, I too find I don't need as much as I used to. Donating these things makes so much more sense than either hoarding or throwing them out.

    1. Right you are Sheila, hoarding and or tossing out just doesn't make good sense if the item is something that can help someone else.

  4. I'm glad you touched on donations because I was going to ask if one could make a donation other than a knitted/crocheted item. Now I have to ask, how do I make a donation to your organization? I looked quickly couldn't find anything here (please email because I'll forget to check back here, LOL). I haven't since we moved, but I was donating to a homeless shelter when we lived in San Diego. I need to find the homeless organizations here and start donating or getting involved.


    1. Will email you my address Betty. Since it's my home address, I don't list it here on the blog. There are needs in many areas, certainly there in San Diego as well, though with the weather being so much warmer there, their needs are different then ours here in cold, wet Ohio.

  5. Apart from giving from our finances, time is a wonderful way to show how much we care.

    1. Right you are J.L. time is as important as money, they each serve a purpose.

  6. Donations usually are synonymous with money. So glad you touched on the varied types of donations.

    1. Thank you Sunday Visitor, much appreciated.

  7. I am glad that you remind me that the homeless needs other things, I will start sending the along with crochet items. Glad of the reminder

    1. Great Janis, you're very generous and it's so much appreciated.

  8. Very nice Avon donation AnneMarie. All those personal care items will be very nice to use and you have something for both men and women.

    1. Right you are Sue, and thanks for the visit and comment.

  9. I like this post. I like volunteering, when you don't have money or maybe you're someone who doesnt feel like they're very good at putting together care packages etc then donating your time to causes is a great thing to do. x

    1. Thank you Hannah for the visit and sweet comments. Right you are, donating time can be very precious.

  10. Sounds like you are doing a lot of good work. Good to be reminded that donating isn't all about money.

    1. Thank you Wendy for the visit, appreciate it. Hope to see you here again on Bridge and Beyond.

  11. The donation of one's time is the most valued one. It cost you nothing and means so much more.

    1. I don't know that I think one is more important than the other JK, you need all parts to complete the various projects for almost any charity. Thank you for the visit.

  12. Great inspirational post! I have been a volunteer for years and donating both time and things feels so right for me. So many ways of donating and Even a small donation can make a huge difference to someone else

    1. Thank you Eli for the visit, right you are so many ways to give. Hope to see you here again on Bridge and Beyond.

  13. Very well written, Sandy! "Can you donate?" That entire paragraph is just lovely! We can all help in our way. All that matters is that we do help!

    1. Right you are Brandy! Thank you for your sweet response.

  14. You are doing amazing work. Here in Philadelphia we put together blessing bags. We put all sorts of personal care items in them. My daughters crochet hats and booties for preemies, I am going to ask them about making some larger hats.

    1. Thank you Doreen for your visits and sweet comments. Hope the larger hats work out with your daughters. Keep me posted. I remember reading about your blessings bags.


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