
Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Annual A-Z Blogging Challenge

You may have notice this picture in the right sidebar as something new on the blog.  It was just added.  For the month of April, I'll be involved in a rather large blog challenge.  I've done this challenge in other years, but don't believe I've ever used this blog to do so.  The first year, I was nuts, as I signed up with 4 of my 5 blogs.  The annual blog challenge is a challenge to blog everyday (which I try to do here anyway), but....additionally it challenges folks to visit at least 5 blogs daily, meet and encourage other bloggers.  The benefit of doing such a challenge is to gain additional readers, improve blog traffic.  I've had mixed results in other years; but thought perhaps it would aid us a bit with some additional exposure.  So, I'll be combining the regular type posts I do here with the challenge.  The idea is to blog alphabetically.  So, April 1st the blog posts needs to start with the letter A and move on down the line.  Sunday's are free days which gets you the right number of letters and days to blog........26.

To join you need to add the badge to your blog with a link back to the organizers blog...thus what you see in the right side bar.  You sign onto join via a linky, which I did just prior to writing this post.  My current number on the list of bloggers involved is 856....people will continue to join, and sometimes along the way folks drop out, or get taken off the list for not following the rules of the challenge, so my number for Bridge and Beyond will change over time.  Everyone is to start with the first 5 blogs beneath them and work their way through the list.  Some folks only visit those in the same category as themselves...writers visit writers blogs, crafts visits crafts etc.  However, I opted to not list a category because I visit and enjoy visiting many different types of blogs.......the exception being "Adult Content". Those blogs must be clearly marked so they can be avoided easily.

Hope you're all busy knitting and crocheting, the need never seems to go away.

Please continue to visit and post comments as you would without my being involved in the challenge and hopefully..........we'll get some additional visits, comments, and perhaps additional helping hands.

Thank you for all you do.

2015 Donations:
Hats: 69
Mittens: 21
Slippers: 20
Rain Poncho's: 3
Cotton Washcloths:23
Socks: 47
Fingerless gloves/wrist warmers:
Cowls/Infinity scarves: 11
Shawls: 1 (just realized it wasn't listed, don't think I missed any?)
Misc: personal care items and anything not listed above

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. FIRST DAY OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. Up at my usual time hoping to keep somekind of a schedule for me and my dogs, it all works out in the end.:+)Bigger problems in the world. Have a happy day, the sun will be up till 7 tonight. That will be nice. All working toward a happy spring. Temps to be in the high 40s today, and 50s and even 60s for Tues and Wed.If I could send you warmth Sue, I would. Can I send you the wind too?Keep the needles flying, still cold out there if you dont have proper shelter, and so many dont..GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS.MARJ IN MINNESOTA/37 DEGREES

  2. Thank you Marj for the visit and supportive comments. I'm sure Sue appreciates the effort at sending some sunshine. It's 30 here at the moment, the warmest it's been in a month. The sun is sorta out, I do hope that continues. But, right you are, even with those improved temps, it's still very cold and damp and dangerous for our homeless friends without proper shelter.

  3. I have never heard of the blog challenge. That might be an interesting challenge to do. I don't have a blog, so guess that is why I never heard of it.
    It is 40 here in MI today, with pretty blue skies. Maybe spring is on its way. Thank you Marj for the wind. But the wind is drying up the water from all the snow. The snow piles are still very high.

    1. I've done quite a few different type of blog challenges over the years, won a few prizes even SSeger, but most are to give people a push to blog more regularly, many blog like once a week, couple of times a month, every other day etc. I've always tried to have something here daily, so that daily part isn't new to me, but it does take some perseverance to get the job done. Some challenges use prompts like give you a topic and everyone blogs on the same topic....not my favorite type, but it's interesting how differently people can blog about the same topic. Some are like writers prompts, but this one happens every year in April, think this is my 4th year, but it's 6th ..? And it gets a huge number of followers. The largest one I've ever participated in by far.

    2. Congrats Sandy on winning some prizes over the years! Good luck this year! :)

  4. I'm a random picker too. I like going outside my knowledge to read what's up in other's lives and read some good books in the works too. The A-Z is a great place for those. I'm just a personal blogger that does random who know whats, but I do enjoy it. See you on the A-Z road!
    As I See It Daily

    1. Hi Katy, thanks for the visit, it's appreciated. Will pop round to see what you're up to.

  5. I look forward to seeing you A-Z with Bridge and Beyond. We met a few years ago through the A-Z challenge. I remember how impressive I thought it was that you were managing 4 blogs! I was just gazing at your Donors Blogs list and thinking you almost have a donor for every letter! I am sure you have other ideas already though :)

    1. Hi Brandy....good to hear from you again. Sorry we lost touch. Will pop back and get you added to my list. Looking forward to getting re-acquainted.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.