
Thursday, March 19, 2015

On Going Generosity Helps the Homeless

Thank  you RoseMarie for your wonderful donation and your on going support of Bridge and Beyond.  Look at the cute round cotton washcloths.  She's also crocheted a matching set of wrists warmers and a hat with her always cute and signature details!

The bright green and orange ghan is perfectly timed for St. Patricks Day.  While this post is scheduled for just after the special day, the donation arrived just before and so is very timely.

As always RoseMarie, keep up the good work!

*Folks, as you can see I'm having some font issues again, hoping things resolve soon.  I don't like having multiple fonts in one post.*

Donations for 2015:

Hats: 118+12=130
Scarves 49+1=50
Mittens: 42
Slippers: 47
Rain Poncho's:  3
Cotton Washcloths: 53+18=71
Afghans: 2
Socks: 47+22=69
Cowls 12
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. THANKS ROSEMARIE, think at one point you menttioned that you were starting to make round washclothes and there they are. Very cute. Will have to give that a try. Everything is beautiful as always. Thank you for helping the homeless. You have a good heart.
    Still cold here, highs in the 40s. Glad I didnt put my winter coat away in the 70 degree weather we had last week. Spring starts tomorrow, cant wait! marj in minnesota

    1. Right you are Marj, Rosemarie does have a good heart. Also right not to put away the winter coats, I fear we'll need them for awhile yet.

  2. Nice donation RoseMarie! Love the flowers that you always put on your hats.
    Sandy, I did see the font being small. I first thought it was my computer until I read what you wrote. Good luck with it. Computers don't always do what we want.

    1. Right you are, computers often have a mind of their own. I do often hold down the control key and hit the plus sign a couple of times to make font bigger, and easier to read when I'm on other blogs and webpages. It's typically to small to read comfortably for me.

  3. Great donation as always Rosemarie.

    1. Right you are Sherry, thanks for visiting and commenting, both are appreciated.


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