
Friday, March 27, 2015

New Knitting Hands Helping the Homeless

Thank you Christina D from Ohio our newest pair of helping hands! Christina's been busy knitting and knitting.  Take a look at these awesome corner to corner cotton dishcloths and her knitted hats.  Always thrilled to have more helping hands, and a fellow Buckeye!  Christina's also included much needed personal care items.  Many thanks for the special delivery to my door!

I love the purple, green and purple mix in the cotton washcloths, such a pretty combination.

Please welcome Christina, so glad to have you join us and look forward to seeing you here often on Bridge and Beyond.

Hats: 164+5=169
Scarves 62
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 50
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 90+19=109
Afghans: 6
Socks: 126
Cowls 12
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. WELCOME CHRISTINA. so happy to meet you through your beautiful donation. I am so happy to see the wash cloths and personal items. Your hats are lovely also and will be a big addition to those in need in this end to winter we are experiencing now. Always a wonderful gift when you are living in the elements. Pllease continue to help the Homeless in Ohio.
    Cold weather still hanging on today, they claim it will be all up hill starting tomorrow but last night we were at 19.Come on Spring! GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. Again thank you Christina, Keep up the good work:+)Marj in minnesota

    1. I'm chanting come on spring with you Marj, we were 27 this am, but at least today it's dry and I don't think we're expecting rain. Many thanks for your on going support, and right you are Christina's donation is a blessing.

  2. Christina, nice donation of knitted washcloths and hats for the homeless. Welcome to our group. Rosemarie.

    1. Waving hello Rosemarie, always nice to see you here. Thanks too for the sweet welcome for Christina.

  3. Welcome Christina D! So glad you found this great group. Very nice donation of washcloths and hats. I have the same dish cloth yarn. It make such pretty cloths. The hats will be nice in this cold spell that we are still having. It was 23 at noon here in MI and the low will be 12 tonight. A few snow flakes were in the air last night and this morn. I did see a Robin the 1st part of the week!

    1. Thanks for the visit and comment and for welcoming Christina.

  4. Oh, those are so pretty. They will really brighten up someone's room.

  5. Oh, I hit send without thinking. Sorry. What is the A-Z challenge? I am going to have to look for that cotton combination of colors. I really like it. Sandy, if you don't want people to leave google+ comments, is there a way to eliminate that from the offerings?

    1. I wish there was a way, but if there is I haven't found direction on how to. I really dislike google+ because when people use it I can't click on their name and get to their blog only takes you to the circle page and all that mess and you can see where they've left comments on someone else's blog, but you're really hard pressed to find their blog.

  6. I found the A-Z challenge. Good job!

    1. Thanks for reading about it, appreciate it.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.