
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blue Horizon

When last I posted an update of Blue Horizon it was 21 inches, it's now 26...seems like it's growing slowly, but it is growing and it is now officially over the half way point.  The brown stripe is the middle and so we've moved onto the large aqua section, followed by the small salmon stripe and are now on the light blue band.  It's folded over as there are too many stitches on the needles to stretch it out without fear of losing stitches off the ends of the needles.

Nothing fancy in this all garter stitch afghan, but I love the colors and it's quite soft.  Am using donated yard that is Bernat Satin.

For any new folks to blog (possibly a-z challenge folks), these afghans are all donated as a welcome home gift to families leaving shelter living and moving into a permanent housing situation.  The project is called Project Welcome Home.  If you'd like to see some of the afghans (ghans) donated in the past, simply type the word afghans in the blogs search window and you'll see some blog posts and pictures.

**Tomorrow will be the first official A-Z challenge post, see you then.

Hats: 179
Scarves 67
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 50
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 109
Afghans: 6
Socks: 126
Cowls 12
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Beautiful Sandy. These are really pretty colors. Keep up the good work . Dont know where you find time with all you do. I guess we can find time for the things we love.
    Spring is sprung. At least for now.:+) My son sent me a picture of a snow storm we had last April 17. 4 ihches. Life in Minnesota, gotta love it+) We are due for a major thunder storm tonight. Things should green up quickly after that. GOD BLESS THE HOMESS. marj in minnesota /65 today

  2. Glad you're getting a thunder storm to green things up instead of a snow storm Marj. We're trying to green up here also, just not fast enough for me, lol. Many thanks for your visits and sweet comments.

  3. What a nice welcome home gift for those getting to move into a permanent home!


    1. Thank you Betty for stopping by, appreciate your nice comment.

  4. wonderful way to blend caring and creativity. I used to work with homeless people in central London and the clothing store we had was always well used - but nothing personally knitted

    zannierose (A-Z)

    1. Thank you Zannie for the visit and comment, both are appreciated. Adding your link to the blog list for a-z-ers

  5. Blue Horizon is getting long! I love the colors that you are using for it. It's very pretty.

    1. Thanks Sue for your on going support, you're an awesome cheerleader!

  6. Sandy, I think you have always done such a great job with Bridge and Beyond. This afghan is beautiful. I would like to make one as well. I feel there have been more afghans donated this year also. Tell me what length in circular needle do you use. I do have a 60 inch size K afghan needle. I could possible make a afghan but would prefer the garter so I would like to know what length and size you are using. Take Care.


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