
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Remembering Grandma

This afghan was recently delivered to Homeless Families Foundation.  I wanted to share a sweet story with you all.  So many of you were involved in the making of this afghan.  While I may have knitted it (Feather and Fan),  the yarn comes from multiple caring hearts.  The light gray was in my stash, but all the other yarn (please click to see how many different colors there are), came from many of you.  Somehow it had gotten buried on my shelves or would have been delivered previously when it was completed vs the most recent delivery.

I received this message on my Facebook wall (this is a cut and paste folks)

Sandy Mader Holladay - I wanted to share a story with you...Today one of our clients came in and he was picking out some scarves and hats from what you brought in for us. He started talking about how he use to have a blanket that his grandmother had crocheted for him and due to moving around a lot he had lost it. When I pulled out one of the wonderful blankets you had brought into us and told him that his grandmother didn't make it but hopefully he could think about her when he uses it he was so thankful. He darn near started to cry which gave me the goosebumps. So thank you once again for all that you do for us at The Homeless Families Foundation. It truly means a lot to our families!

Karie Gallegos is our contact person there at Homeless Families Foundation folks.  She is the one who always helps me unload the packed car of goodies.  I asked her which ghan she'd given him so I could share the story with you all and the picture.  If ever you doubt what you do matters, please remember this story and know that YOU make a difference each and everyday in the lives of others.  THANK YOU!

2015 Donations:
Hats: 55
Mittens: 18
Slippers: 20
Rain Poncho's: 3
Cotton Washcloths:13
Socks: 7
Fingerless gloves/wrist warmers:
Cowls/Infinity scarves: 11
Shawls: 1 (just realized it wasn't listed, don't think I missed any?)
Misc: personal care items and anything not listed above

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Sandy, I saw your story on the afghan that the man got. I thought it was cute and sad at the same time. Rosemarie.

    1. Thank you for your visit and comment Rosemarie, both are appreciated, and I agree with you, the story is both sad and cute. Sad he lost or couldn't take the ghan with him that obviously held meaning. Cute that he remembered her and told the story while picking out crocheted and knitted hand made items to warm himself and his family.

  2. What a sweet story. You are right, it definitely makes the donations we all make worthwhile.Brought a tear to my eye. Thanks so much for sharing.

    30 degree day in Minnesota. We have all been waiting for this. Really has been warm all night. 28 degrees as we speak. Know the weather is not nice in many parts of the country. Be safe wherever you are. GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS.marj in Minnesota

    1. Thank you Marjorie for the visit and sweet comment, both are appreciated. You're having a heat wave, enjoy those 30 degrees, no doubt it will change. We've just warmed up to -8 from -12....brrrrrrrrrrrr and then some. The story brought tears to my eyes as well.

  3. What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Nice to see you posting again Yvonne, it's been awhile, hope things are well with you. Thank you for the visit and comment, both are appreciated. Glad you enjoyed the sweet story.

  4. What a touching and heart warming story! So glad we are able to help provide, not only warmth but wonderful memories for that man and others too! Just another reason to keep our hooks and needles flying!
    -3 degrees here in NJ today. It is a full time job, just staying warm. Love and warmth to all my knitting and crocheting friends!
    Sally from NJ

    1. Right you are Sally, we gave that man a lift for sure with the sweet memories of his grandmother on top of keeping him warm. We've warmed up a wee bit since yesterday when it was -12 in the morning...we're now 16...woot woot, lol. Though we're expecting it to get colder yet again.

  5. Thank you for sharing this story. I am glad that the gentleman was able to pick out another afghan. The afghan that you made is very pretty. And it looks nice and warm. It is to be about 23 today, but it is very windy. So wind chill will keep us cold here in MI.

    1. Thanks for your sweet words SSeger, much appreciated. Stay warm, I know the wind can really make a difference. I've been chanting spring....but so far

  6. I think this is a wonderful message. It makes you both happy and sad at the same time. Makes our crocheting/knitting very worthwhile.


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