
Friday, February 27, 2015

O H I O Buckeye Scarves for the Homeless

O H I O.........Thank you Sandie P in Louisiana for these lovely Buckeye Scarves.  Scarlet and Grey are our Buckeye colors, how perfect is that!  These scarves are crocheted and donated by our good and long time friend, Sandie P.  Sandie's been Bridge and Beyond since the beginning and her long time support is so very much appreciated.    These scarves are nice and fluffy, super warm, and both wide and long enough to truly give someone the ability to wrap up to help keep warm.

The temps have been frigid these past couple of weeks, breaking record lows for this time of the year.  We considered it a real plus the other day when we warmed up to 8 above, as it started out 12- without considering the wind chill.  Believe the weather folks that day the wind chill made it about 34-. Folks, those conditions are truly brutal and very dangerous.  I've recently read about deaths of the homeless as a result.  I'm in the process of putting together the information I can find on the sad subject.  Please keep checking in daily.  We need your support.

2015 Donations:
Hats: 55
Mittens: 18
Slippers: 20
Rain Poncho's: 3
Cotton Washcloths:13
Socks: 7
Fingerless gloves/wrist warmers:
Cowls/Infinity scarves: 11
Shawls: 1 (just realized it wasn't listed, don't think I missed any?)
Misc: personal care items and anything not listed above

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Very nice Sandie. One for guys and one for the girls. Both look warm and cozy.
    We are still fighting the cold for one more day. Have a warm up coming tomorrow, But it is to be in the low 20s. Not really warm but better than the 1 degree we have as we speak. Keep an eye our for your elderly neighbors and make sure they are ok too.God bless the homeless. Stay warm. Marj in minnesota

  2. Nice donation Sandie! The scarves look very warm. It was another cold night in MI and it is to get below zero again tonight. At least there's no wind today. Next week, Tues is to be 35, but rain, or ice. I would rather have snow any day over freezing rain. Keep safe everyone.
    Just finished another scarf, got to weave in the ends and wash.

  3. Thank you, Sandie for these wonderful and warm scarves. I can just imagine how happy some folks will be to receive them. For some yarn, hook and time you will have helped some folks to be warmer this cold winter. What a gift we here all have to offer. Let's all keep our hooks and needles flying!
    Sally from NJ


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