
Friday, February 20, 2015

Knitting Helps Homeless

Thank you fellow Ohioan, Linda W for this thoughtful and warm donation of knitted goodies.  Linda's been busy with her yarn and knitting needles, as you can see.  She needed warm wonderful slippers, and hats.  Both items are so very necessary to keep people warmer.  She's also knitted 2 cotton washcloths which are always a big hit at the various shelters, as well as with those living in the elements.

Many thanks Linda for your support, please keep up the good work.

Hope you're all staying warm, it's been frigid here lately with temps in the negative at night and early mornings.

2015 Donations:
Hats: 45+2=47
Mittens: 18
Slippers: 17+3=20
Rain Poncho's: 3
Cotton Washcloths:11+2=13
Socks: 7
Fingerless gloves/wrist warmers:
Cowls/Infinity scarves: 11
Shawls: 1 (just realized it wasn't listed, don't think I missed any?)
Misc: personal care items and anything not listed above

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Nice donation Linda W. The slippers look very warm and so do the hats. Stay warm everyone. Another very cold day here in MI.

  2. Hi SSeger up there in Michigan, sorry you two are experiencing this cold. Hang in there and try to stay warm.

  3. Nice donation Linda. Thank you for helping our central Ohio homeless.


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