
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Donations to Help Homeless Men

Yippee for donations for men!  Several days I delivered donations for men, women, and children to Homeless Families Foundation, but for ever bag for men were 3 or so for women.  Please remember the group most often forgotten is the men.  The bulk of homeless living out in the elements are men, both adult and teen.  Please also remember the last homeless person to get a night at a shelter will be man, and they are turned away each and everyday when there's not enough room, and there's hardly ever enough room.

Thank you SSeger for this donation suitable both in size and color for our homeless men.  Even her cotton washcloths are appropriately colored for the men.  LOVE the pattern in the nice brown scarf.  Such awesome texture.  Click to enlarge folks so you can see the details.  What stitch did you use?

Thanks also SSeger for tagging your hats with size!  It is such a huge time saver for many people and takes the guess work for me, as well as those who volunteer at the various shelters.

Please keep up the good work, and thanks so much for your on going support of Bridge and Beyond.

2015 Donations:
Hats: 22+2=24
Mittens: 14
Slippers: 2
Rain Poncho's: 3
Cotton Washcloths:5
Socks: 4+3=7
Fingerless gloves/wrist warmers:
Cowls/Infinity scarves:
Misc: personal care items and anything not listed above

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. SSEGER, Your donation for men is wonderful. Like Sandy said the men are most forgotten. Living in central Ohio I appreciate you donations as well. What is the pattern for your brown scarf? I would love to make it.

  2. Thank you Sandy and Sherry! I used a blanket pattern for the brown scarf. It is called Hurdle Stitch. I used size 8 needles. CO 28. Set up rows, I knitted 4 rows. Row 1 Knit,
    Row 2 Knit, Row 3: K3, *K1, P1* K3, Row 4: K3, *K1, P1* K3. Repeat rows 1 thru 4 until I was about out of yarn. Finished with knitting 4 rows. BO
    It was a nice pattern to do. I had never made it before and wanted to try to do something Manly. I want to make a baby blanket with that pattern some day.


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