
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nothing Ordinary about Cotton Washcloths.

These washcloths are crocheted, but remember we also collect and donate knitted ones.  I've not crocheted any, but do enjoy knitting them.  I find the cotton bothers my hands far less with knitting then with crocheting; but's a personal thing, whic is nice and gives us much variety....another plus.

Washcloths are a perfect small item to work on, to toss in your purse and have something almost anywhere or anytime to work on.

Trying to find some history behind washcloths are came up pretty dry.  The defination says a washcloth is a small absorbent cloth used for cleaning, be it an item, or a person.  It says the texture in a washcloth is good for exfoliating vs washing with your hands only, or a cloth that's so smooth there is no texture to it.

I stumbled onto a blog written by a young Black Male who says washcloths, the use of them is a racial issue.  Huh?  I said outloud as I reading his blog.  He explains he knows only Black people use them and White people don't and why hasn't anyone discussed the racial issue of washcloths!  His blog is quite entertaining I might add, and he has a HUGE following and the comments were also entertaining.  He also discusses how dirty a washcloth is, people indicate you use them once and themn you launder them.  Seriously, there were almost 50 comments on his entertaining blog about washcloths.  AND there were many people identifying themselves as Black who don't use as well as those indentifying themselves as Whites who do, so that pretty much decided the debate wasn't in need of futher research and investigation.  LOL.  How creative some folks are.

Throughout the years our numbers of donated cotton (knit and crocheted) washcloths has grown and they are always items well received.  They are used both as washcloths and as dishcloths.  There are used when people first come to the shelter with very little personal care products, they're put in the Welcome Home Packs when folks leave the shelters for permanet housing, and our folks under the bridges also use them.

At the close of 2013 I asked if folks were trying to decide between making a hat, or scarf or washcloth to please opt for the items that would keep people warm....the greater need.  Because of that naturally our numbers fell.  I'm ok with that.  That's not to say we don't need or want cotton washcloths, or that you shouldn't make and donate them.

Donation Totals:

2012......577 (+288 more then previous year
2013......784 (+207 more then previous year
2014......334 (-243 less then previous year

AVERAGE  496 which is 162 more then our last year.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I have made lots of dishcloths this past year. My total for last year was 101. A lady down the hall from me, gave me pounds of mill end cotton yarn. She wanted 40 dishcloths for Christmas presents. Plus I made more earlier in the year for her. Now, I am making washcloths for Bridge and Beyond!

  2. Awesome SSeger, they do make awesome gifts, your neighbor was probably thrilled to have you make them for her. Looking forward to ones you're making for B and B

  3. Sandy, I have several cloths from a previous collection from my Loves Many Cloths group, I will send to you if you can use them.. I am also working on mittens this Love week.... I will send them along as well. :) Dana J


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