
Saturday, January 31, 2015

New Helping Hands Aid Ohio's Homeless

Thank you Edith D for this thoughtful donation of knitted scarves.  Edith is our newest pair of helping hands.  Many thanks for joining us here Edith.  Edith has knitted several different sized scarves.  Please click to enlarge so you can see the pretty cable in the bright yellow scarf in the left corner.  What  pretty design.

We're always happy and excitedd when we get new pairs of helping hands here on Bridge and Beyond, and look forward to getting to know you better through your helpful hands with donations and visits and comments here on the blog.

Welcome Edith, hope to see you here often.

2015 Donations:
Hats: 10+8=18
Mittens: 10
Rain Poncho's:
Cotton Washcloths:
Fingerless gloves/wrist warmers:
Cowls/Infinity scarves:
Misc: personal care items and anything not listed above

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Edith, nice job on the scarves,nice donation for the homeless to keep warm in this weather.Glad to have you with us. Rosemarie

  2. Welcome Edith! What a wonderful donation of scarves! They look so soft and warm. I also love the yellow scarf. Some lady will love to wear that one. MI is to get lots of snow here tonight. I think the storm is going across Ohio also. I hope the homeless will find a shelter to spend the night in.


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