
Friday, January 23, 2015


Hats.  Found some fun hat facts through a google search.  Notations of a pictorial depiction of Thebes tomb and a man wearing a straw hat back in 3200 BC.  Also a listing of a Danish Chieftain wearing a fur cap back in 70 BC.   1529 AD is supposed to be when the reference to a Millner (maker of hats) was first noted. The Haberdashers in Milan and northern Italy who imported straw hats were called Millaners.

Here in the states, John B. Stetson made a hat at a campfire outwest and began making and selling, "Boss of the Plains" in 1865.  Ten years later at The Kentucky Derby marked the largest hat fashion event.  An official hat day is marked as Jan 15th, though the exact year is unknown.

When The Royal Wedding on April 30th, 2011 put the spotlight on beautiful Kate Middleton, hats became quite popular.

Wikipedia tells us a hat is a covering for the head to protect it from elements, to be worn for ceremonial and or religious purposes, for safety reason and as a fashion statement.  Hats historically have been a sign of status.  In the military, hats show nationality, rank, and branch of service.

Our hats stats:
2011..... 969 hats were made and donated
2012.....1052 (an increase of 83 warm heads
2013.....1004 (decrease of 48
2014.....971 (decrease from 2013 of 81

Our average for those 4 years is 998 which is 27 more then our donated number in 2014.

It's been awhile since I've made a hat, I spend the bulk of my knitting and crocheting time on afghans.  I must try to make some hats.  Are you working on any hats?  Be sure to check the hat tab across the top of the blog for necessary information regarding size, colors, and fibers.  AND please remember to always tag your hats with size.  Tags should be physically attached to the hat vs a note that says the whole box are mediums.  When there are shelved at the various shelters they are shelved by size.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

1 comment:

  1. I like the interesting facts on the hats today. Had no idea about how old they were. I like to made scarves instead of hats. That's why I got a hat loom. I was sorry to see how low the hat total was this year.


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