
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Crocheting and Donating to those in Need

Thank you RoseMarie for your ongoing support of our cause here on Bridge and Beyond.  RoseMarie has been a long time and regular supporter with her crochet hook and big heart.  We've all come to know her donations on site, hat and scarf sets, always with details and trims, and always for the ladies.  She has included some personal care items as well.  

In the coming days, I'll be posting a pattern she's created for single crochet writs warmers/fingerless gloves.  It will be added to patterns that can be used on the mitten page.  We never get enough mittens, and while full mittens are certainly warmer, folks who can't make mittens might be able to help out with the writs warmers.  Please stay tuned.  

Thank you RoseMarie and please keep up the good work.

**Does anyone know how to change the font on the blogs?  I see options when typing a post, but can't find where to change it from default to this larger style which I much prefer.

Hats: 595+1=596
Scarves: 322+1=323
Socks: 110
Afghans: 15
Slippers: 77
Rain Ponchos: 61
Mittens & Gloves: 68
Cotton Washcloths: 247
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts, and Shrugs etc. 13
Neck warmers, cowls, gators, wrists warmers/fingerless gloves and other misc items aren't tabulated; as well as personal care item

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. GO ROSEMARIE! I am trying to get my box to UPS and you have already sent another. You are definitely an ongoing force .. Thank you for your never ending support and also for the wrist warmer pattern you sent. I will be interested to see it as I make wrist warmers and will be doing some soon. I am no mitten maker but can manage wrist warmers. I wear them in place of mittens as you can do things with your hands when you have them on.Thanks again Friend. GOOD JOB

  2. Another pretty set RoseMarie! Very nice donation with all the extra goodies that you put in the box.

  3. Marj and SSeger, thank you for the nice comments on my work.Marj we will be having our first cold spell over the weekend. It will be in west tenn. Thank you for calling me your friend.Rosemarie.

  4. RoseMarie, Proud to call you friend. Any one that fights as hard as you do for the homeless is a good friend to all. The weather here is cold too. We are in the forties at night and lucky if we make it to the 60s during the day. Last week we were having 80s. The final days of September are always that way here. Trees are beautiful though. GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS.


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