
Monday, May 26, 2014

I'm a Person, I'm No Bum!

Food for thought

Folks I spotted this a while back on the net and wanted to share with you all who help through Bridge and Beyond.  Homeless people do have feelings, they have a face, they have a name and deserve to be treated with kindness and dignity.  I know you all who aid the cause here at Bridge and Beyond feel the same way.

Keep your yarn, hands, hooks, and needles busy folks.  We're still experiences nights in the low 40's here.  We will continue to supply Rae who cares for folks under the Bridges as well as the various shelters.  Our work is always needed, and appreciated.

On this Memorial Day, know that some of the items you knit or crochet are donated to a Veteran.  Sadly, many Veterans, to whom we owe so much end up homeless.  And like this man says, they are not Bums.

2014 Donations:
Hats: 457
Scarves: 257
Socks: 56
Afghans: 12
Slippers: 46
Rain Ponchos: 5
Mittens & Gloves: 52
Cotton Washcloths:164
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts, and Shrugs etc. 8
Neck warmers, cowls, gators, wrists warmers/fingerless gloves and other misc items aren't tabulated; as well as personal care items

 All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Happy Memorial Day Everyone! So many cities here in MI are not even having parades this year. They say not many people are interested in them anymore. I will be going to one this morn, putting my hand over my heart as the flag goes by. I was sad last year as the flag went by. Most people didn't even have their hand over their hearts. There was 2 WWII vets just down from me. I was wondering what they were thinking about it.
    I do feel sorry for the homeless people, vets deserve more than the treatment they are getting.
    Thank you again Sandy for starting this great group.

  2. marj in minnesotaMay 26, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    I HAVE TO AGREE WITH YOU SUE. The days of saluting the flag and patriotic parades and fireworks and Memorial Day picnics are gone. We did take flowers to the cemetery as usual and got in on a very moving military tribute to the fallen while we were there.All the branches of the service were represented, that is a tiny town of 3600 people though and they are still hanging on to the old ways.It is a sad state of affairs and one that will probably not be changed. The Vets deserve everything we can give, they do not recieve it for what they are putting on the line for the rest of us. The homeless are not treated any better either.,Memorial Day has turned into another shopping day rivaling Black Friday they say. We should be ashamed!

  3. We have fewer parades etc then previously also. Though many of the cemeteries are quite active with memorial services and flagging Veterans Graves; so all hope is not lost. Meanwhile, we hear on Bridge and Beyond do what we can, thank you ladies!

  4. We still manage to have a lovely parade here in my town. Unfortunately I had to miss it this year as my son came home from Germany and I picked him up from the airport while the parade was going on.
    I must say that I feel that this nation should be ashamed of themselves for how we treat our vets. And our homeless are not treated any better. Yet we give millions of $$ away to other countries in need. I feel we need to take care of our own FIRST!! There should BE NO ONE HOMELESS OR HUNGRY in the USA! Enough...I am done ....knit on!!

  5. Sally so glad you're son came home. I so agree we are a great nation, no one should be homeless or hungry!

  6. I am so glad Sally that you got to pick up your son this morn. Enjoy spending time with him and please thank him for his service to the USA!
    I do agree that we need to take care of our own First! I only send my knitting to charities in the USA.
    Update on the was very small but nice.

  7. To all my B&B friends- my son was visiting his wife's family in Germany not stationed there. I had a very nice afternoon visiting with him and hearing about his fun two weeks while there. However my husband is a Vietnam vet. So I have very strong feelings concerning our vets. I am sorry if I led anyone down a wrong path. Also my dog's name is Liberty!

  8. marj in minnesotaMay 26, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    Am happy your son came back no matter why he was gone+) I have two myself.
    My husband was a Viet Nam Vet also, and Iknow your feelings on the subject of how our vets were treated.Our cemeteries here were packed also. We do have alot of caring people. There are just too many that look at you blankly when you mention patriotism and are more concerned about new sports stadiums and things that are unimportant then feeding the hungry and making sure people have good medical care whether they can afford it or not.I will stop now too. Thank you for caring ladies. God Bless Us Everyone.

  9. My sentiments too Marj!


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