
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hats!  Hats are needed by men, women, children, and teens.  Hats are needed by those living in the shelters as well as those living out in the elements.  We also supply hats for many schools with kids in need.

Knitted hats, loomed hats, and crocheted hats have been donated through the years.  Hats probably make the single biggest difference in a person's comfort.....worn inside and out.  Many with limited heat where hats and scarves in doors.

In 2012 by March 26th we had donated 212 hats, in 2013 269 hats and thus far this year 361 hats.  As we've been comparing our donations these past several days for socks, slippers, mittens, afghans, rain poncho's and washcloths HATS are the only item where we've consistently knitted, crocheted, loomed and donated more hats each year!!

Awesome work!

Thinking of making a here for the hat tab.  There are patterns and LOTS of information regarding size, so ALL hats should come tagged with the size, (child, teen, adult s-m-l etc.).

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I am so glad to see the hat total up! I agree with you, a hat is nice to have in the cold weather.

  2. Wow! Nice to know we are up on something!


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