
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mother and Daughter Team Work Makes it Happen

Thank you Roseann M from Pennsylvania for this thoughtful donation of crocheted hats for the kiddos.  Roseann is our newest pair of helping hands and we're thrilled to have her join us.  This pile of cute hats was "something" to do during this long cold winter.  Roseann's daughter, Stana found us on the internet and communicated about her mother having these hats and wanting to help.  How cool is that.  Team work.  Roseann with the hook in hand and Stana typing away on the internet.

22 Heads will now be warmer and happier thanks to this thoughtful donation.  Hope to see you here often on Bridge and Beyond ladies.  Please keep up the good work.

2014 Donations:
Hats: 233+22=255
Scarves: 92
Socks: 46
Afghans: 11
Slippers: 25
Rain Ponchos: 
Mitten: 9
Cotton Washcloths: 118
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts, etc. : 5
Neck warmers, cowls, gators, wrists warmers and other misc items aren't tabulated; as well as personal care items.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. WELCOME ROSEANN AND STANA. Glad you found our group when you needed homes for your hats. We can use all the help we can get, and you are definitely wonderful new friends. This was a terrific winter project. For many of us our winter was spent indoors this year, and it looks like you were busy. Thank you for helping the Ohio Homelss. Hats for kids are always needed in the winter. GOOD JOB.

  2. Thank you Roseann and Stana to your very wonderful donation to Bridge and Beyond!

  3. Sorry that should be for your wonderful donation.

  4. Welcome Roseann and Stana! Love all the hats that you made. What a wonderful donation! There will be lots more heads this winter!
    MI is to have more snow & cold weather again tonight. Hope Ohio will not get hit hard.


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