
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lots of Hats for Homeless

Thank you Sandra R  from sunny and warm Florida (though even they have had colder then normal bouts this winter), for this awesome donation!  Sandra has been a long time supporter of Bridge and Beyond with her skillful hands.  We truly appreciate you and your huge heart.  Sandra has crocheted and crocheted.......does she even stop to eat and sleep?  WOW.

I believe she has hit every possible head size with this variety of hats.  AND many many thanks for taking the time to tag them all with size.  I really need everyone to do that.  It does take extra time at your end, I know; but truly less then my measuring or guesstimating all the hats here, and then the volunteers having to do it yet again.  Please, Please folks tag your hats with the size you made.  No one knows better then you what size you made.  The hat tab has patterns, and lots of guidelines about sizing.  It's a wonderful resource compiled by many of our Bridge and Beyond folks. 

As always, keep up the good work Sandra!

Hats: 147+38=185
Socks: 6
Afghans: 11
Slippers: 21
Rain Ponchos: 
Mitten: 9
Cotton Washcloths: 56
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts etc. : 1

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Great Work Sandra! What a nice haul of hats! Thanks for keeping some of our homeless warm here in Ohio.

  2. Fantastic Sandra! That is a wonderful selection of hats and as Sandy said, I think you hit every possible size. This will make a big difference in the heads of the homeless. Even though it is March, we are still looking at cold weather ahead, especially if you are unprotected. Thank you so much for your ongoing support. GOOD JOB!
    We are getting a break in the cold today and reaching 22 DEGREES. Some parts of the state got 10 inches of snow last night. No end!

  3. SUPER donation Sandra! Not only did you hit all the head sizes but you have lots of nice manly colors too! Lots more warm neighbors thanks to you! Your kindness and thoughtfulness will be so appreciated by those less fortunate. Thanks for caring! Keep your hook flying!

  4. WooHoo!! What a wonderful donation of hats. Your hook must be getting smoking from all those hats. Many, many warmers heads now from that great donation.


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