
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Knit One Squirrel Two

This made me smile, hope it does you as well.  Spotted this the other day on Facebook.

Speaking about Facebook, are you connected to us there?  The link is in the right sidebar.  All updates and documentation etc will continue to be here on the blog.  However, the blog posts are linked there in an effort to obtain more pairs of helping hands.  There are people we reach on Facebook that we might not here; so the two together hopefully is advantageous.

As of the writing of this scheduled post, it's 27 but feels like it's 16....we might have sprung forward with daylight savings time, but I can tell you it still feel too far away from spring for comfort, so please folks keep busy with your yarn.

Thank you.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Very cute. Makes me think of the guys I have been feeding corn all winter. They are not as inventive as this guy though or they could have done some knitting for B&B :+)

  2. Yes Sandy.....Marj is right cute! I wish I could teach my squirrels to knit! I could then fill my boxes so much faster! I am working on filling another box and it is almost full. Maybe another week or two and I will be able to send it off. So I am continuing to knit. It is something I do all year long. I just wish I didn't have to eat sleep and do so many other things.

  3. That squirrel is cute! Made me smile. I saw the weather report for the coming weekend. High of 29 for Sunday. The homeless will still be needing the warm items that this group sends.


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