
Friday, February 7, 2014

Peach Tree State Crochet Keeps Ohio's Homeless Warm

Take a good look folks at this wonderful donation from our good friend and supporter, Diana K from Georgia.  Hats, Scarves, and an afghan.  In order to get it all on the table to photograph you may not be able to see everything well...but please click to enlarge so you can see things in detail.  Nice solid colors, red, green, and blue....though I know it looks sorta purple on my computer, it's good old blue folks.  Wish I understood why blue's and purple's don't often come through well in pictures here on the net?

The scarves are very nicely sized for adults, both men and women; nice and wide and long enough to wrap up in.  Have gotten some pretty small scarves lately folks, so please recheck the scarf tab for the appropriate sizing.  Scarves should be no narrower then 4 inches wide and no shorter then 4.5 feet long for children, obviously longer for women and longer still for men.  I generally make scarves as tall if not taller then the person so they can be doubled up for warmth.  Teens should be as large as adults.

The ghan is red and green, a good ripple and we all love ripples.  Stay tuned for a separate picture of it on down the road  when I can lay it out in a more appropriate location.  Diana also included some personal care items (soap).

Thank you, please keep up the good work of keeping Ohioan's warm from Peach Tree State.

2014 Donations:
Hats: 13+6=19
Scarves: 10+9=19
Socks: 4
Afghans: 7+1=8
Slippers: 7
Rain Ponchos: 
Cotton Washcloths: 18
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts etc. : 
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand-warmers, cowls/gators/neckwarners and all meal prep related items, Dolls, associated items, stuffed/crocheted/knitted toys... etc aren't tabulated

**Remember folks to always include a removable tag on your slippers, mittens, and hats with the size you made**

***Please remember to check the tabs across the top of the blog, included in each tab is necessary information about which fibers to use, as well as which fibers to avoid.  Example please avoid using novelty yarn, and suede for all items being donated.

Hey folks, just noticed this post #1200 for this blog!

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. THANK YOU DIANA. I love the solid colors you chose to use. Good old color crayon colors that are good for anyone of any age. You are very thoughtful and this will be a big help to everyone who gets one I am sure. Also an afghan is always a nice addition.
    It is 4 degrees in Minnesota this afternoon and that is definitely better then it has been. The winter that never ends it seems. Everyone is struggliing to stay warm, especially those you are helping with your donation. GOOD JOB.

  2. Wonderful donation Diana! I like the pattern you used for the scarves. Got up to 11 today here in MI! It was 1 when I went to work this morning. Cold wind all day. The homeless sure need the warm items this winter.

  3. Super donation Diana! Thank you so much! I can tell your hook has been flying! Love the colors you chose. Thank you for using your time and talent to help the homeless and working poor!

  4. Love the texture on the scarves, Diana! Great work!

  5. Beautiful work Diana!

  6. How exciting Sandy to reach 1200 Blog postings. Just love visiting this site each day.
    Thank you for the great job and for starting this group.

  7. 1200 is definitely a milestone. We dont have as many posting anymore it doesnt seem but the work continues. I do make this one of my first readings each day as Sue said. Thanks for all you do and keep up the good work everyone.


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