
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

From the Top of the Head to the Tip of Your Toes

Thank you Marie P for this thoughtful donation.  You've covered head to toe with your donation of knitted hats and socks.  Marie's also included personal care items with the soap and washcloths.  Special thanks for tagging your hats with much appreciated.

I'm partial to the red hat with black stripe, but know they all will be hits and help keep someone warm.  Thank you and keep up the good work.

If you haven't yet done so, please check out the updates on the working calendar tab.  Remember focus items are suggestions, you are not restricted by that.  I know we all try to utilize yarn from our stash, which often dictates what we make when.

2014 Donations:
Hats: 6+4=10
Scarves: 8
Socks: 4
Afghans: 6
Slippers: 7
Rain Ponchos: 
Cotton Washcloths: 13
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts etc. : 
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand-warmers, cowls/gators/neckwarners and all meal prep related items, Dolls, associated items, stuffed/crocheted/knitted toys... etc aren't tabulated

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Thanks Marie. Wonderful selection of hats and mittens. I am a purple person myself so you know which hat I would choose. Lovely colors.
    It is 11 below in Minneapolis this morning and not expected to get much better all week. Definitely need help in the warm up department. Thank you for doing your part to help the homeless in Ohio, GOOD JOB.

  2. I'm a purple person too so we'd have a fight on our hands marj :-) Everything looks wonderful! Thanks Marie!

  3. Pretty hats! I also love the purple one. Great donation!

  4. Thanks so much for your donation, Marie. Think there are four purple lovers here as purple has always been my favorite color. Thanks again for your wonderful donation.

  5. Nice donation Marie! I love the purple hat also. Only 6 here at noon time. Prayers going out to all the homeless.

  6. Thanks Marie! This is an awesome donation! I am a red person so I love the red hat like Sandy. However I really like them all and am wondering if you could tell me what patterns you used. It is terribly cold and very snowy here in NJ and I know this winter is a rough one. There are going to be a number of folks who will be very grateful to receive your donation. Thank you so much for helping those less fortunate. Your kindness is truly appreciated!


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