
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First Donation for 2014

 Thank you Sheelagh S, our newest pair of helping hands.  WOW...what an awesome start to the year, 2014.  I LOVE the design in this afghan, and am most curious how you made it.  Can you leave a comment telling us about the pattern?  This afghan is beautiful, and the family who receives this is going to be beyond thrilled.  It's nicely sized for adults or teens, or for a family.  Likewise the colors are suitable for anyone.  Sheelagh we're thrilled to have you join us.  You can also see a pair of slippers in the picture folks.  Awesome.......and thank you for tagging them with the size.
 This sunburst style afghan will make some little girl and or female teen super happy.  Don't these bright cheery colors bring a smile to your face.  And normally sun isn't coming through my windows...while it might muck up the colors a having the sun shine through, even if just for a short while.
 This afghan has lots of neat texture.  I don't know what stitch or pattern to call this.  Anyone out there know?  Again bright cheery colors to put a smile on someone's face as they curl up in the love it was made with.
 This looks just like a quilt to me, no doubt it does to you all.  What an interesting pattern.  Sheelagh apparently doesn't sleep, or crochets in her sleep.  How in the world were you able to make so many beautiful afghans.  WOW...I'm truly impressed.
 Not sure you can see the texture on this one folks without clicking the picture to enlarge.  LOVE these colors and so will the lucky person/family who receives it.  Everyone loves blue regardless of age and gender.  I believe this is probably made with front and back post double or triple crochets?
Flowers...........who doesn't love flowers, and don't they make you think of spring and summer and better weather?  They sure do me.  As I'm typing this post (remember most post are typed and scheduled to post later), we're getting the rain, which followed the snow, which is to be followed by record breaking low temperatures.  Many businesses have already indicated they will be cold across the nation.  So, thinking spring, flowers, and pretty colors is foremost in my mind.

Beautiful work Sheelagh.  Welcome to our group, look forward to seeing you here often on Bridge and Beyond.

These afghans are a perfect way to begin our years worth of donations.  Afghans were one of the items we had fewer of in the year 2013 then 2012 (please scroll back to yesterday's post).  Thank you Sheelagh for starting us out on such good footing.

2014 Donations:
Afghans: 6
Slippers: 1
Rain Ponchos: 
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts etc. : 
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand-warmers, cowls/gators/neckwarners and all meal prep related items, Dolls, associated items, stuffed/crocheted/knitted toys... etc aren't tabulated

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am
your God.  I will strengthen
you, Yes, I will help you, I
will uphold you with My
righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

Folks, I wanted to share that scripture with you; as Sheelagh shared it with me.  She took time to attach that to each of her lovely afghans.  I'm not permitted to attach scriptures to our donations due to various shelters; but wanted to share it with you all.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Welcome Sheelagh! I am so glad you found our little group! All I can say is WOW! WHAT A TERRIFIC JOB! Everyone of your Afghans are simply magnificent! Your work is wonderful! And I like Sandy can't figure out when you sleep?!? I also want you to know that I love your Bible verse and am so glad Sandy was at least able to share it with us group members. So up lifting! You have started our New Year off with a bang! THANK YOU SO MUCH for using your time and talent to help those less fortunate! Keep your hook flying!

  2. WELCOME SHEELAGH! Your work is definitely the beautiful start to the New Year. You have done some extraordinary work here and anyone who is lucky enough to receive any of these beautiful afghans will feel honored I am sure.Hope that you continue to work with our group. One of my favorite Bible verses. Thank you for sharing. GOOD JOB

  3. Wonderful afghans, I'm jealous! I rarely have the patience to make something that large. I love the colors and the stitches you used. Welcome to the group :-)

  4. Welcome Sheelagh! What a lovely donation. The afghan that looks like a quilt is awsome. All the afghans will be loved and will keep people warm this winter. What a great start for the new year. The Bible verse is one of my favorite also.

  5. Welcome Sheelagh! I too am very jealous that I can't come up with such gorgeous afghans. I'm in AWE with the colors and designs. They will surely be more than very appreciated.

  6. Welcome Sheelagh! Amazing afghans - thank you for sharing you talents!

  7. Absolutely stunning. Great job and welcome.

  8. Wow! What gorgeous ghans! Could that middle one, the third one, be Bavarian Crochet perhaps?

  9. It would take me YEARS to crank out those afghans. Great job, very beautiful!

  10. Thanks, all for your kind words - no, I don't crochet in my sleep ;-) the afghans have been accumulating for a while. I'm just happy to have found such a wonderful group to put them to use! To answer some of the questions, the pattern for the top picture is from the Big Book of Scrap Crochet Afghans (Carol Alexander, House of White Birches). The third one is Bavarian crochet (free patterns for this style abound), and the 5th one is front/back post double crochet. Thank you again, and God bless your mission.



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