
Friday, June 14, 2013

Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets

Thought you all might get a kick out of this cute cartoon about how nuts we who knit and crochet are.  I can't remember if I saw this on Facebook or on LionBrands site; maybe both.  Anyway, thought it was cute and worth a repeat.

Hope you're all keeping busy now the weather has finally turned nice in most places.  We're still closing windows and putting on fleece some days/nights here.  Normally that's not the case for this time of year, it's been a bit wonky.  Do keep your fingers busy with hooks, yarn, and needles.  We like to collect and delivery our awesome donations all year long.....even in summer.

June is slipper month, hope we get huge numbers of slippers.  We need slippers for men, women, and children.  Remember slippers should be made nice and thick (no loose stitches please).  PLease check the slipper tab for ideas about how to use double yarn, or chucky yarn, or how to put 2 slippers together.

2013 Donations:

Hats:  374
Scarves: 289
Socks: 200
Afghans: 25
Slippers: 132
Rain Ponchos: 202
Mittens: 77
Cotton Wash Clothes: 369
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's: 10
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, handwarmers, cowls/gators and all meal prep related items, etc aren't tabulated

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. CUTE CARTOON. Had not see this one. Pretty funny.:) Know what you you mean about the crazy spring. Seems as though I lost alot in the garden over the winter this year. Still clearing out, and my peonies are finally ready to go. They are usually long gone by now.Must have been a tough one for those who didnt have a warm house or a fleece jacket to grab. Something to think about as I go through my summer activities.

  2. Yes a cute cartoon! Not one into cozies however. I am more on the practical side and like to knit mittens and golf club hats though! : )

    I have never tried slippers. Perhaps I will give them a try this summer.

    The weather here has been VERY rainy and cool. I have on a cozy sweatshirt this morning. I do plan to keep knitting all summer long. Isn't this the week you are supposed to be knitting in public??

  3. I have never made slippers either Sally, except for a couple of pair when I was working with the Girl Scouts. I have never been too good at working with two skeins of yarn at once, so am going to practice for a while first. Dont know about the knitting in public thing, but know I always have a ball of yarn and a hook in my bag, so that when I am waiting for someone, which I do often,I have a granddaughter:+) I can pull it out and entertain myself.

  4. I am the same way Marj. I take care of some kids in the next town over. They are older now so I always have yarn needles and a book with me. I also take care of one of my grandsons one day a week. He is only 2 and still naps so again I always have those items with me.

  5. I saw that cartoon on LionBrand website. I like Lola. I have never made slippers either. I should try it sometime. And yes, Sat June 15 is knit in public day. I always have my knitting with me. I knit while standing in lines. So lots of days are knitting in public for me.


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