
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rae's Ministry of Feeding those in Need

(purple iris from my back yard, with pretty little yellow buttercups on the right and blue forget me knots in the background)

As many of you know if you've been following along, several months ago Rae branched out to a different area of town to extend the ministry of feeding to those folks in need.  The original group is still going strong on The West Side of Columbus with both supplies and able volunteers.  Rae canvassed and found great need elsewhere and put a plan in motion encompassing multiple locations on Columbus's North, and North East Sides, some involving families.

We asked for support to help her get started, and as always you all responded with HUGE hearts and sent donations of plastic bags, plastic containers, grocery bags and similar items to help her in the meal prep.

At this time we do not need anymore plastic garbage bags, or plastic grocery bags, or plastic containers.  We may sing out later with more need; but with limited storage at her end...let's hold and not mail anymore of those items.  She's also well stocked on plastic poncho's and most personal care items for women.   She's nicely stocked also with soap and cotton knitted and crocheted washcloths (though we can always use those items for the 3 family shelters).

  • What she is in need to stock her storage area at Everyday People Ministry Church (corner of 161 and North Meadows Blvd) is:
  • Zip lock bags, sandwich size
  • Forks and spoons (much less need for knives)
  • Socks always for Women now as well as Men
  • Sample sized shampoo
  • Disposable razors
She picks up bread and sweets from a local Panera (on North High Street just north of Henderson), and soon to be expired food from Whole Foods (the donations from Whole Foods are divided between the West and North Ministry).

Currently she is feeding about 17-19 people on Saturday mornings after she preps meals at The Everyday people Ministry.  Several church members from that location have joined her volunteer force.

One of the things a bit different with this North Side Ministry as compared to her long standing West Side Ministry is feeding families vs primarily adults.  There are Mothers who are homeless but have enough to get a night in a hotel with their children (Thank the Lord they aren't living out in the elements); but not enough for food and lodging and so Rae has been able to include them in her Saturday Morning Meals.

Thank you all for your help with supplies and prayers for her new ministry.  I know she truly appreciates both.

The Beautiful flowers above are for you all for all the hard and necessary work you do.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. MARJ FROM MINNESOTAMay 30, 2013 at 6:33 AM

    God bless Rae in her efforts. I have a box ready to come, but will include a few more things now that I know what is needed. Thank you for letting us know what she has and what she needs.
    Your flowers are lovely by the way. Remind me of my garden. Keep up the good work.

  2. I am glad that you have a connection with Rae. Bless her for having the desire to provide meals to those in need. Thank you for periodically providing the list of items that she needs.

  3. Thank you Marj and Sherry for your visits. Bless Rae indeed. She's a marvel and does so much good. It's been a very good pairing since I first started Bridge and Beyond.

  4. Thank you Sandy for this update of info on Rae. I will keep all these items in mind when packing my next box. Yes you and Rae seem to be a good pair.......both of you have wings!

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  6. I wanted to jump in (I don't get on facebook often) and say thank you to Sandy and to all of you who are praying and those who are providing (and those who do both) for this ministry. Thank you Sandy for spreading the word. Homelessness is a sad reality in our world. It doesn't seem to be decreasing. I have learned that there are more resources out there than I ever imagined. Now I am hoping that our Good Lord will help me "connect the dots" to get people even more help. Thank you again for ALL you ALL do! Rae

  7. Thank you for letting us know about the needs for the different groups. God bless you both.
    Love all the flowers. I miss my garden. So glad I was able to visit by the pictures your garden.

  8. Thanks for the updates and the information. I just bought some men's socks and now I need to get them in the mail!


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