
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Crocheted Warmth to Help the Homeless

 When my daughter was young I used to tell her it was the afghan, hat, or scarf that kept her warm; it was love put into the making of the item that kept her.  I think that so often when I open lovingly made items from you all.  Some knitted, some crocheted, some loomed; but all made and donated with love.

Here's certainly proof of that.  Diana K must not be sleeping in order to get this much made.  WOW.  Matching Hat and Scarf set, as well as additional crocheted hats, and cotton washcloths.  Lots of colors, lots of different sizes.  Something for everyone.  Awesome!

Many thanks Diana for your on going support, it is so truly appreciated.  Please keep up the good work.

2013 Donation Totals:
Hats:  245+13=258
Scarves: 114+8=222
Afghans: 4
Slippers: 77
Rain Ponchos:2
Mittens: 19
Cotton Wash Clothes: 134+17=151
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's: 4
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, handwarmers, cowls/gators and all meal prep related items, etc aren't tabulated

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Awesome job Diana! You go girl!!

  2. GOOD JOB DIANA. This is truly a gift of love. So many people will be blessed with this present.Love the bright orange one. Thank you.

  3. Right you are Sally and Marj, awesome donation and many people will indeed be blessed.

  4. Beautiful items to make many people warm and know that someone cares.

  5. Great donation Diana! You sure have been busy. They all look so very warm. We had more snow last night here in MI, so I know there are still people out there in this cold weather who will love to have some warm items.


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