
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sharing the Love Through Donations

**because I don't have a picture of the donation to share with you, thought I'd leave you this cute cartoon I saw on facebook, hope it makes you smile**

Thank you Kathy V from West Virginia for your thoughtful donation.  I'm sorry to report folks, I don't seem to have a picture of her donation.  I'm unsure if I forgot to take a picture before sorting and bagging to get ready for distribution...OR her picture didn't make the transfer from my camera to the computer.  Kathy's donation was one of the large number I worked on after the special delivery from The Post Office after returning from my travels.   

My apologizes Kathy for not being able to show off your work.  She donated scarves, some personal care items, and a hat according to my notes.  Please keep up the good work.

Since February is a month to think about love, let's spread the love by finding new pairs of helping hands.  If everyone could find one friend, one co-worker, one blogger, one family member, and or one Facebook/Ravelry friend to bring into the fold think about how much more love we could spread by way of our warm knitted, crocheted, loomed, and or quilted items!  Talk us up.  Some folks might like to help us, but be unaware of what we do.  Please search someone out.  Who do you know?

2013 Donation Totals 
Hats:  76+1=77
Scarves: 73+5=78
Socks: 39
Afghans: 2 
Slippers: 13
Rain Ponchos:2
Mittens: 4 
Cotton WashClothes:47
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's: 4
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, handwarmers, cowls/gators etc aren't tabulated

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Dear Kathy, Thank you for the donation you sent, I am sure your things are lovely and will be much appreciated by the people who need it. GOOD JOB

  2. Kathy, sorry the picture didn't post, but thank you for the great donation. It will help some people.

  3. Hi Kathy! Thanks so much for your thoughtful donations. I am sure your hat will be just right for a head in need as will the scarves for keeping some necks cozy and warm. The personal care items are always in demand. So keep your needles flying and hope to see you here again soon!

  4. Hi Kathy-thanks for your donation. I am sure everything will be loved.

  5. Marj, SSeger, Sally and Yvonne thanks all for popping in and leaving such sweet words.


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