
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goals for Donations for Bridge and Beyonds

I wanted to express some goals I have in mind for our group this year, for the blog and for those we reach with our hand made donations for Homeless and those in need.

  1. The blog's current google rank is 3, it's been there for quite some time.  I would sure like to see it grow to 4.
  2. We have donations from 38 states which is 76% participation rate within the United States.  We do have wonderful folks outside the US who donate and we're very very appreciative of their special efforts.  I'd love to see our US participation percentage grow to ....can we make 90% ??  Do you know someone who knits, who crochets, who looms or quilts that lives in a different state then you do?  Can you recruit their help?
  3. Would like to increase the visits to the blog, as that helps drive the traffic which helps the above mentioned Google Rank.  I know many people donate who aren't bloggers.  You do not need to be a blogger to visit and spend time on the blog.  Could you help traffic by sending our link to your address book?  Could you tweet about us, talk about us on Facebook?  
  4. Would like to increase comments on a daily basis.  I know some of you visit, but don't leave comments.  PLEASE DO LEAVE COMMENTS.  You do not need to be a blogger, you do not need to leave your last name, you do not need to be tech savvy.  Truly it's easy.  Type your comment (even if you're not someone who donates to can still help by commenting), select name and url in the drop down box and type your first name and last initial or the state your from and leave the url space empty.  PLEASE DO NOT select anonymous, those comments usually end up in the spam folder.  Leaving comments helps the blogs placement...again the importance of the google ranking.  Comments show us you were here reading which is always nice.  Comments show great support for the large number of people taking their time to knit, crochet, loom,and or quilt.  
  5. I'd like to reach some new helping hands, will be doing more blog promoting to help that happen.
  6. I'd like to be able to donate more in 2013 then we donating in 2012.
  7. I'd like to have a summer event where interesting people, presumably those who live closest could collect up and spend a day assembling afghans from the donated squares etc.  I think it would be fun to spend time together and at the same time accomplish putting more ghans together then I can solo.  If you're local and have interest in a gathering, PLEASE leave a comment to let me know.  Hopefully down the road I can get something organized.
  8. I'd like to do something about a newsletter and or have a Facebook group or Facebook page.  I think the Facebook idea might help reach more helping hands, but I don't want to duplicate everything that's here on the blog.  The time to do that is huge.  I also am leary of people spending time on the page or in the group there vs that would hurt the visits, the comments, the all important blog traffic and Google ranking.  I'd like to reach those who don't blog, on a more regular basis.  The numbers of people who use email only for communications, am wondering about a newsletter.  Wondering how best to do that with a minimal amount of time.  Often those who don't visit the blog aren't aware of changes and things going on here on Bridge and Beyond and I'd like to Bridge that gap.  Any ideas or experiences any of you've had that might be helpful....please sing out, either here on comments or email me at  I had/have a group on Ravelry, but wanted to direct people from that too here, and frankly...I don't think that worked  very well.  I tried for a time to post there; but found it too difficult to keep up.  
  9. I'd like everyone to tag their donations with size...s m l adult or children or teen.  The male female would be an issue with something like mittens and slippers.  When the individual items are tagged it gives me the ability to divide things between our various groups in need vs a note that says everything here is a medium.  Items are separated by size at the other end as well, so the tags right on the item...truly is best.  It can be attached with a safety pin, or tied with yarn/string.  It's best not to tag a zip lock bag, as items are removed when packed with other items for distribution.  You don't have to buy special tags, a plain white index cut in squares works great, as does typing paper etc.  
  10. I'd like to have more folks read the tabs associated with the individual items they plan to make BEFORE they knit or crochet and mail their donation.   This will improve adherence to issues such as size, color, fiber, etc.  Scarves need to be a certain size, nothing should be made of non washable fibers, white should always be avoided are just a few of the important rules for making our donations meet the needs of those we donate to.
  11. I'd like to get everyone to remember to include a note with their donations that includes their name and their email addy.  I really need to spend less time trying to track people down, and figure out who's who, so that I can be productive...both here on the blog and with knitting and crocheting for those in need.
  12. I want to really catch up with assembling afghans from the donated squares etc.  Hoping the idea for a summer gathering will help with this.  AND I believe once the older squares of various sizes are gone, time spent to assemble the one sized squares of 8 inches will improve productivity also.  **as a reminder, I am currently asking you to hold mailing squares**
  13. I'm hoping we can reach "beyond" in the coming year.  Reaching "beyond" may be another shelter in need, another county or city.  Perhaps, we've started reaching "beyond" with our addition of quilters to our group?
 2013 Donation Totals 
Hats:  22
Scarves: 38 (31 flannel and 7 quilted)
Socks: 6 
Afghans: 1

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. These are great goals for 2013. As far a newsletter for Bridge and Beyond, you could do one quarterly that way you're not so overwhelmed and over scheduled.

    To keep folks up-to-date I would recommend burning your feed to Feedburner so that you can have a subscribe by email box in the top right corner of your blog. This way it's the first thing they see. This will put all your new posts right in their inbox.

    I think the Summer gathering is a great idea. You could make an event out of it for the locals.

    Comments - I'd make a banner 468x60 with Remember - I love Comments or something like that to remember that comments are important.

    I would utilize clicktotweet with premade tweets that you add right her on the site so all someone has to do is 'click the link' to tweet about your organization.

    I haven't been around here since Creating the Hive changed. That is where I used to read you blog all the time.

  2. Sara thanks so much for your input and your visit. The quarterly newsletter is exactly what I was thinking about.

    Don't I have the tweet and facebook options right upper corner of the blog? I see them, wondering if you do. Could you check them out and see if they're working correctly? Likewise isn't the feedburner thing right there as well for folks? I don't know though if anyone uses there a way I can tell?

    I too miss The Hive, was a fun place but glad to have you here, hope to see you here again soon and often.

    With regard to a newsletter is there a method you're aware of that works better then my typing an email and sending it out to tons of folks?

  3. New here, looking forward to doing what I can to help.
    Been busy making slippers.
    I think these goals sound very do-able.
    I'm local and love the idea of a summer gathering to help you get afghans completed.
    I'm sure its a BIG job and many hands make light work.

  4. Good ideas for this year. I am not a computer person, so can not help with any ideas on how to do things like that.

  5. I think these are all really great goals for 2013! I will try to post more comments although my computer still won't let me and I can only post from my kindle. I think a page on Facebook would be agreat idea. Jam following EMILY'S HATS FOR HOPE. This is a young girl and her Mom from NJ. She only began this a bit over a yearago and she has accomplished so much in that short time. So I would really consider the Facebook route. Just my thoughts for what it is worth.

  6. Thank you trisnjer, love knowing you're local and look forward to meeting up.

  7. Thanks Sally and SSeger, love having the input....we are such a wonderful group, more heads are always a good thing.

  8. Just found you while looking for a charity to crochet for. I will be looking through what is needed and some past blogs and will talk with our little yarn club at the next meeting but I would love to help in any way I can. Will be contacting you soon!

    Shannon - west salem oh

  9. Hi Shannon, we're glad to have you join us. Sing out often. We love having visitors and comments here on the blog.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.