
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

That was Then AND This is NOW

 Though the year is not yet over, I thought it was getting close to when we might want to reflect see how we as a group are doing. 

 Last year on Dec 31st  we had donated 969 hats, and here as of the writing of this post we're at 948 which is only 21 hats short.  This post is, as all post are; written ahead and placed in que.  It's to be published on Dec 11th so I'm betting the remaining 20 days of the month will put us over the number we donated to Ohio's Homeless and those in need last year.  

Scarves....drum roll here.  By years end we had donated 471 and we're already over that with 588.  An increase of 117.  How awesome is that!

Slippers we've also passed our year end mark of 128 by 16, as we've donated 144 pairs to date!

Last year we donated 55 afghans and we are currently have donated 42.  Surpassing that mark may not be possible.  I've doubled my efforts with assembling afghans; but 13 between now and the end of the year probably is only possible if we get already completed afghans.

Mittens...thrilled to say we've gone over our end of the year mark of 258, as we're currently at 299 pairs of warmer hands!  This really pleases me, a co-worker the other day told me when her hands are cold, she's cold all over.

Last year we collected 852 squares and this year 849....I would say we're right on the mark.  I still have plenty to work with, so please remember to hold mailing them until I highlight them again.  I'm uses up all my storage, so it will be several months before I put out a call for them again.  Please check in.   

Last year we donated 333 pairs of socks, sadly we're well under that number for this year with 196.  That's a difference of 137 pairs of cold feet.  Maybe we can have a push and increase that some between now and the end of the year?

Rain poncho's we're right on the mark, with donating 216 last year and 213 this year.  Keeping people dry is wonderful.

Last year we knitted, crocheted and donated 345 cotton washcloths, and this year.....521!!!!  How awesome is that.  They are used in all 3 of the family shelters we support, and also are used in moving out kits when the families move from the shelter living into permanent housing.  Well done with an increase of 176.

Keep up the good work folks with your knitting, crocheting, and looming.  Together we are a team, and together we've made a huge difference and can continue to do so.

Donations: 2012
Hats 948
Scarves: 588
Slippers: 144
Sweaters& Ponchos, Shawls, vests:8

Afghans: 42
Mittens: 299
Squares: 849
Socks: 196
Rain Poncho's 213
Cotton Washcloths 521

Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, face-masks, neck warmers, t-shirts, soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, hand and foot warmers Teddy Bears and footies etc)

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. this is very impressive. thanks for keeping us informed on the work sandy. much has been done with much left to do. thanks for all you do.

  2. Thank you for letting us know the totals. Very impressive amounts. I have missed seeing the running total on the blog page. Please do let us know at least once a month on the totals.

  3. The totals appear on every post SSeger, about the only time I don't post them is when I'm posting something that's not directly connected to donations, and thats rare. Please look back and let me know if you're not seeing them.

  4. I am so proud to say that I am a member of this group!

  5. And we're happy and proud to have you as a member Sally.

  6. Guess I didn't make myself clear the other night. I was so tired.
    I meant to say I miss seeing the current totals comparied to last years totals. Yes, I do see totals on the blog. Sorry....


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