
Monday, December 31, 2012

Crocheted Scarves are Donated

4 Crocheted scarves donated by Paula K.  Thank you Paula for your on going support of our cause.  Your scarves are so nice and warm, and large enough to be wrapped around which is always a plus.  The bright colored one will make a lady smile, while the nice darker colors are perfect for the men folks.  Many thanks and please keep up the good work.

2013 working calendar is not yet posted, but our focus for January will be slippers.  Please see slipper tab.

**Please avoid open lacy stitches.  If your fingers easily poke through the stitches and or you can easily see between the stitches, it's probably too lacy.  Please opt for a smaller crochet hook, or knitting needle and or switch stitches.  It's important our items are warm and sturdy.**

Donations: 2012 

Hats 1008  (39 more hats then we donated last year)
Scarves: 652+4=656  (186 scarves over what we donated last year)
Slippers: 148 (20 over last year)
Sweaters, Ponchos, Shawls, vests:9
Afghans: 51  (4 short of last year)
Mittens: 299 (41 more then last year)
Squares: 950 (98 more then last year)
Socks: 280 (53 less pairs then last year)
Rain Poncho's 213 (3 less then last year)
Cotton Washcloths 570 (279 more donated then last year)

Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, face-masks, neck warmers, t-shirts, soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, hand and foot warmers Teddy Bears and footies etc)

**I will continue to add numbers to the years totals after Dec 31st, so all donations received by years end will be counted in the year they are received.  Since each donation is a day, they will be some over flow into January.  Thus year end numbers won't be finalized until then.*

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Great job Paula. Nice long scarves to wrap around in the cold.

  2. Nice donation of scarves Paula!

  3. All your scarves are very nice, and some in colours suitable for men.


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