
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mint Chocolate Chip Bonus!

 These wonderful squares were recently donated by our good friend AnneMarie, you might remember seeing them HERE.  I laid these out, and found a good amount of various shades of brown in my stash.  Think edging in the dark brown to add a couple of inches, then doing a border with several shades of brown might be just the ticket.  Sherry K and I got to meet face to face...that's the bonus.  We had a wonderful visit over a cup of coffee and tea.  I took these squares and some yarn; as Sherry has offered to help me by assembling an afghan.   She may lay it out and it may speak differently to her, you know afghans and yarn have a way communicating, lol.  It'll be fun to see what Sherry does in terms of pulling this all together.  Have fun, Sherry and thanks for the help.

I wish I had thought to take my camera with me so you could see us enjoying each others company.  Maybe next time I'll to remember to do that.  We'll be getting together again so she can pass along the afghan to me, and so we can enjoy another visit.  We're also thinking about planning a day in the park with some other helping hands to work on things together.  Stay tuned....when the weather turns to spring again that is.

The other cool thing here is, AnneMarie and Sherry have chatted often on line and so, once again we have friendship being formed, and team work!

Thank you Sherry for your offer of help, and I look forward to our next venture.  And, I had initially thought minty for the name of this ghan, but didn't like the sound of that, then typed chocolate chip, and Sherry came up with Mint Chocolate Chip....Perfect!

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. this should make a beautiful aphgan for some deserving person. glad you ladies enjoyed your day together. fun times.

  2. Mint Chocolate Chip will be very nice when it is done. Glad you got to meet with a good friend and had a good time visiting.

  3. I love the name and Sherry I know you will do a great job putting it together. So glad you two finally met and had a good time.

  4. I was all smiles to see this post. The afghan is so fun to work on. Hopefully I will get it done by the end of next week. Will let you know Sandy!

  5. Thanks ladies for your visits and comments. It feels like we all get to be a bit closer together.

    Thank you for what you all do, with donations, with supportive comments and spreading friendships.


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