
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Donations help Homeless in Ohio

Hello and Welcome Sharon H from South Dakota, our newest pair of helping hands. Sharon has crocheted 6 matching sets of hats and scarves for the younger set.  Always thrilled to have new helping hands, and you know how excited I get to add another state to our map of donators!  Please scroll down and look at the map.  Is your state listed?  If not, please let me know.

Woot Woot, we're now up to 38 of 50 states who've donated and up from 74% participating to 76%.  AWESOME.

Love to have knitters and crocheters from the states of: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Utah represented.  Are you from one of these states?  Have you donated and just been missed on lists?  Sing out if that's the case.  Do you know someone who knits or crochets from those states?  If so, please send them the link from Bridge and Beyond, perhaps they'd like to join us.

Donations: 2012
Hats 768+6=774
Scarves: 504+6=510
Slippers: 144
Shawls: 2
Sweaters& Ponchos: 4
Vest 1
Afghans: 39
Mittens: 279
Squares: 729
Socks: 193
Rain Poncho's 209
Cotton Washcloths 464

Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, face-masks, neck warmers, t-shirts, soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, hand and foot warmers Teddy Bears and footies etc)

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. really beautiful sets. someone is going to really love wearing these.
    lovely colors. good job!

  2. Very nice coordination. Thank you Sharon H.

  3. Welcome Sharon H! Love all the hats and scarves.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.