
Monday, September 17, 2012

Help for Ohio's Homeless is Needed

Folks the weather has already started changing, colder damp nights, getting darker and cooler earlier with each passing day. Busy your hooks and needles please so we're able to meet the needs of the hundreds that are without. The hundreds that sleep out in cold in the elements, and the hundreds that spend a night here and there in a shelter, as well as those families in the family shelters...working their way to permanent housing. They all need our help. Men, Women, and Children need warm solid, non white, non wool items. PLEASE see information regarding colors and sizes in the tabs across the top of the blog BEFORE you mail a donation.

Who knows who the above thoughtful donation is from? EVERYONE! I'm smiling and know you all are too. It's from our good friend, and long time supporter, RoseMarie. You can always tell by the colors she crochets with as well as her signature flower decorations. Many thanks RoseMarie for your support, we so appreciate you and your hook. Look at the cute soap sacks folks. The soap sacks as well as the washcloths are made from cotton. Perfectly done and so useable. She's included a bar of soap in the little bag as well.
2012 Donations:
Scarves: 305+1=306
Slippers: 135+1=136
Shawls: 2
Sweaters 3
Vest 1
Afghans: 32
Mittens: 269
Squares: 430
Socks: 167
Rain Poncho's 209
Cotton Washcloths 397+3=400
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, face-masks, neck warmers, t-shirts, soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, and footies etc).

**PLEASE, scroll back to the previous post, all donations must include a note with your email addy**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. How is it almost winter again already?! Time sure flies!

    Just wanted to let you know that I'll include a link to this post in Saturday's link love roundup so people who are looking for somewhere to donate know that you're looking for items!

  2. Another great donation RoseMarie. I just love the flowers you make on your items.

  3. Gotta love those soap sacks RoseMarie! Such an awesome donation as usual!


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