
Monday, July 2, 2012

Donations from The Golden Gate Bridge State

Wave hello to our good friend James folks. He knits so beautifully and has been such a long time supporter of us here at Bridge and Beyond. Thank you James for your thoughtful donation, and for your on going support.......all the way from California, The Golden Gate Bridge State. We sure appreciate it.

James knitted 4 hats, a cute pair of slippers, 4 pairs of mittens and a darling little mitered square afghan. The afghan will be so appreciated by some little boy. Hey Jim, I loved how a couple of cotton washcloths came out using the mitered square method. How did you figure out how many to cast on? Did you wing it, or have a pattern?

2012 Donations:
Scarves: 252
Slippers: 82+1=83
Shawls: 2
Sweaters 3
Vest 1
Afghans: 23+1=24
Mittens: 252+4=256
Squares: 345
Socks: 116
Rain Poncho's 198
Cotton Washcloths 369
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, facemasks, neck warmers, t-shirts, soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes etc).

**Hey Folks, scroll back to yesterday's post if you missed the announcement about the Give Away/Contest**

***Check out the working calendar, it's current through the end of the year***

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Love the afghan James. What a nice donation you sent all the way from CA.

  2. Thanks! The cotton washcloths are just a cast on of 3 sts, then you do the increases on either side of the center st. This pattern is so easy I was able to teach my mother to do it. ^.~

  3. Thank you all. I used Teresa Richardson's "adult slipper' pattern and her tutorial on You Tube.
    This is the written pattern.

    This is her You tube tutorial

    I tweeked it a little here and there but primarily used the pattern. Enjoy !


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