
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Why do You Donate?

Earlier today I received a very sweet email from one of our good friends here on Bridge and Beyond, Sherry K. She asked if I was ok, as there hadn't been a blog post since last Monday. How sweet of her to check on me. That's quite unusual--in that there are always a week or two (and sometimes more), of blog posts waiting in que. Each post waiting in que represents one of you, one of your thoughtful donations. Donations this time of year slow down; but this is probably the first time in over a year that there's been nothing to show you; nothing to post about.

That got me thinking about why I donate, and why YOU donate. I would love to share at least 5 stories (or more) from you. Those of you who knit, who crochet, who loom, who visit and support the blog with thoughtful comments. Why do you donate?

To get things started, I'll tell you my story. I love to knit and crochet. It's rare to watch tv without yarn my hands. It's even more rare to be in the car for any length of time without yarn in my hands, or go to work without yarn to work on something during my lunch or dinner break.

I ran out of things to make my family, who really didn't need anything; and so I got started through some yahoo groups knitting/crocheting and donating to varies groups. Many of the groups went by the wayside. So as I thought about something I might do, or whom I should donate to; it occurred to me; that my area had a very large population of homeless people. Through a friend of my older brother, Chuck and his wife Jan the idea was born. To knit and crochet and donate hats and scarves for the homeless men Rae took food to. A small beginning; but it made me feel good to do something worthwhile with my time, to help a group often forgotten. To help a group people often don't like to look at, or talk about.

The problem is huge and I sought help from my fellow bloggers and craft friends and things took off. Through blogging and word of mouth the need for help spread. As more help came, I was able to broaden the mission and help a shelter....then 2, then 3, and more. We've extended our helping hands even beyond this county.

Why? Why do I donate? Because I can. That sounds very simple, but it's true. It's something I can do. I am very grateful to not be in that situation myself, of being homeless, or being cold and hungry. I can't perhaps help those that help me attain a level of comfort; but I can give back. Some call it paying forward. I believe we all have something we can do, and if we can; I believe we should

Can I make homelessness go away? No, but I can make those that suffer; suffer less. I can give someone a warm hat that may be just the difference they need to keep from freezing at night when they sleep. I can through the act of human kindness let a homeless man, woman, or child know that I care; and that they shouldn't give up.

I can, but not alone. I need your help, each and everyone of you. I can help, YOU can help and together we make an impact. An important one.

I donate because I believe I was given the talent to do so, the gift of knitting and crocheting.

Why do you donate? Please email me at if you're willing to share your story, your purpose, your thoughts.

And please don't stop knitting and crocheting because it's currently warm weather. Keep those donations coming, give me something to share here. Having regular blog posts, blog visitors, and blog commentors is necessary to maintain a good search engine placement. Having a good search engine placement is essential in people being able to locate the blog to offer their helping hands.

PLEASE, even if you're not a blogger, take time to visit, comment, and share your story with us.

**above afghan is in the works, but soon I'll be switching back to assembling afghans from the squares you've sent in**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Truthfully I cannot remember when I began donating to charity efforts. It's been quite a while. When I first learned to crochet, I made afghan after afghan for my family. That was all I knew to make. Then they had enough afghans. I did a few things for my home when I married. I had two preemie babies so that was at first my charity focus, then I have so many family members who suffered with cancer so another focus added, then Katrina and the needs there, then my son went into Army and I focused on military, and my Dad and two aunts had Alzheimers so.... you see how it goes. There is always a cause to aide and the only thing I know how to do is crochet! LOL

  2. Sandy,
    What a lovely post. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for all the work you do to make a difference for people.

  3. I wish more people thought like you, Sandy. So much more could be achieved for those in need. I don't have a creative bone in my body but I have been out and bought hats and scarves to donate for our bitter winters, inspired by what you do here. It's not much in the grand scheme of things but maybe it helped one or two people anyway.

  4. I understand your story Sandie and thanks for the visit and comment. If you want to elaborate, send me an email and I'll be happy to post your charity heart. You do so much, think how many years we've known each through charity efforts.

    Sweet comments Sue and Kim appreciate it. Kim one does make a difference. The important thing is, you're doing what you can. If everyone truly did that can you imagine what a huge difference it would make!

  5. I enjoyed reading your story Sandy. I have moved and been without the internet for a few weeks. Been catching up on the posts and making comments.

  6. SSeger hope the move went well for you. I know it's a lot of work. Did you go through withdrawl without the internet? I think I Nice having you back and thanks for catching up with your comments.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.