
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Donating Yarn can be Inspiring

Thank you Joyce L from New Mexico. Joyce found this yarn doing some deep cleaning. It belonged to her mother and she's passing it along to us. I love the pretty blue Homespun and will be able to make at least 1 scarf, maybe 2 from this donation. The fun variegated will also be put to good use. It makes me think of a box of crayons.

Joyce is our newest pair of helping hands. Thrilled to have you join us and hope to see you here often on Bridge and Beyond. Also, very happy to add New Mexico to our map (scroll to the bottom of the blog please); as it's a state that hadn't had representation prior to this. AND....since donating this yarn, I wanted to pass along some inspiration. Joyce inspired herself and no doubt my retelling her tale will inspire someone else. After she donated the yarn, she decided it was time to once again try her hand at crocheting. She hadn't crocheted in a long time, passed along this yarn; as her Mother had said it was hard to work with. She's now finding her time spent crocheting as very cool is that.
2012 Donations:
Hats: 245
Scarves: 155
Slippers: 65
Shawls: 2
Sweaters 3
Vest 1
Afghans: 22
Mittens: 134
Squares: 260
Socks: 106
Rain Poncho's 154
Cotton Washcloths 89
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, facemasks, neck warmers, t-shirts etc)

**Once again blogger is not working properly, this should have been published by now, for the last week, I've had to come to the edit and post everything manually, very frustrating and slowing up the process of getting all your wonderful donations properly posted, my apologize...assume it's because blogger is making way too many changes, much like facebook forcing them and they haven't worked out the bugs. I want my old Blogger back!!**
All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. That's wonderful that you got back into crocheting, Joyce. I find it relaxing too!

  2. Homespun is hard to crochet with unless you use a really big hook. But I knit a scarf with it and one skein made a pretty long scarf. The varigated will be nice to add to squares that need to be sized up!

  3. Glad you are back Crocheting Joyce. I did a scarf in the varigated color. It was cute for the child I make it for. Squares would be good for it also.

  4. I made a prayer shaw out of this color homespun and it turned out beautifully. I am sure a scarf would be equally beautiful.

    Glad you have started crocheting again.


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