
Friday, April 6, 2012

Designing Afghans Thinking Beach

I've been showing you some of the ghans I've designed using your donated knitted and crocheted squares off and on over the last month from when I had a design "frenzy". I dumped ALL the containers of squares I had on had from your donations and separated by color and started tossing squares here there and everywhere. I designed...I think 10 afghans. Some you've already seen the designs, some have already been completed. Some are adult/family afghans some will be directed more towards the kids. Above will be titled Beach Ball. It will probably be joined with pink, maybe off white, though am leaning pink at the moment. Time will tell. All these 25 squares are crocheted, all are granny style, though vary by maker and size a wee bit. These colors made me think of bright colored cheery and fun beach ball, thus the name. I know many of these squares are from our good friend AnneMarie; there others I'm not sure about. Are your squares here? Take a look, let me know if they are.
Still, bright and cheery and colorful.........still thinking about the beach and warm fun days I'm calling this one a Day at the Beach. These 16 squares are from our from AnneMarie lightening hook. Don't they remind you of being on the beach. I almost always shy away from white...true white...but might edge and join these in white? Still thinking...maybe offwhite. Stay tuned.

2012 Donations:
Scarves: 120
Slippers: 62
Shawls: 2
Sweaters 3
Vest 1
Afghans: 18
Mittens: 120
Squares: 203
Socks: 102
Rain Poncho's 2
Cotton Washcloths 27
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, facemasks, neck warmers, t-shirts etc)

With the number of squares still on hand, I'm not anticipating highlighting a month for squares anytime soon. If you like making them, please do and set them aside. I'll let you know when I have room again for another batch. If you're mailing other items and want to save money by including them, feel free to do so.

**Please folks ALWAYS include a note with your donations that includes your name, your email ady and group we're in together (if that's how we know each other). It truly isn't possible for me to know and remember everyone over the number of years Bridge and Beyond has been in existence. I spend lots of HOURS, looking through emails, facebook friends, Rav friend, friends on The Hive and in The Ville; as well as yahoo mailing groups to try and identify donations without the information. I have no way of knowing if you want to be anonymous...if I knew that I could spend the time knitting and crocheting vs searching and searching. I do like to be able to let you know your donations have arrived safely and to be able to thank you. So PLEASE PLEASE, even if you want to be anonymous, include a note for me stating that. I fear when I can't make the identification, people just feel I'm not acknowledging their donations. That's not my choice. I want you to know your donation has been received, and that's it appreciated. There are times when after looking multiple days, and spending lots of hours I book something as unknown, and weeks later, I'll receive an email asking if their donations arrived. They feel bad, and I've wasted time. When your donation comes with a return address label with your husband's's a good possibility, I don't know it's you. Additionally, the people who use nicknames in groups, and or fun names in their emails ady's typically don't come up in search when I plug in your real name (from the label) to find you. Please save the frustration at my end, and YOURS, include a note.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Gosh I wish I had your knack for putting squares and colors together. You do such a wonderful job. I think the second one reminds me of "Summer Days" or "Sun and Water". As you can see I enjoy coming up with my own names. Keep up the good work Sandy. You are so very much appreciated for keeping this charity going.

  2. Hi Sandy:
    Wonderful job. Muy linda combinaciĆ³n de colores, te felicito.

  3. Sandy, those will be very pretty when they are done. Love the way you have laid out the squares.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.