
Monday, March 12, 2012

Designing Dusty Rose

Recently, I mentioned I dumped all the donated squares from my collection containers (ones not already in designs in bags in que), and had a design frenzy. This is another of that group. This has squares from lots of folks, big squares, small squares, knitted squares, and crocheted squares--some of which are granny style while others are sampler style. Do you see any of your squares here?

This will most likely be joined with pink or ivory...depends on amount in my stash and how it all matches up when I'm ready to start this one. Notice the 3 different pink camo type yarns? I've not come across any of those in my shopping, but like them all. Interesting, the lighter camo I have 2 crocheted squares and one knitted one...not from the same person, or at least not from memory. Always think it's fun to see how different the same yarn looks when knitted and crocheted.

**Few more days left in the contest**

2012 Donations:
Scarves: 48
Slippers: 26
Shawls: 2
Afghans: 8
Mittens: 90
Squares: 111
Socks: 98
Rain Poncho's 2
Cotton Washcloths 14
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, footies etc)

**Have you noticed the addition of an afghan tab across the top of the blog? Check it out**

Please include a note in your donations, have had an increase of donations not identified, which causes me lots of extra time to track down
Please check your work to be sure you've tucked in ALL your tails (the only exception to this is your final tail on a square) before mailing your donations. Donations not ready to go, get delayed in their deliveries until I have time to fix them.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. OHHH, this is going to be beautiful!

  2. Very lovely! I'm mostly a quilter and I see the possibilities and beauty of odd parts. You certainly have the talent, Sandy.
    Sandie, in VERY WINDY FL

  3. This is going to be a nice one! Cant wait to see the end result!

  4. I can't wait to see this put together too. Very beautiful pink combos. And as always, you have a talent for putting these together.

  5. You must have the patience of a saint to put all these squares together! This looks wonderful and I particularly like the gray variagated squares.

  6. Once again, Sandy, a very interesting combination. I think it will look great when you get it all put together. You're the best!

  7. Damris, Sandie in Florida, Wendy, Sherry, Sue, and Harvest Hill..many thanks for your visits and your sweet supportive comments. Both are appreciated.

    Sandie sorry you're having such wind there in Florida, hope things calm down soon. Stay safe.

    Sue, yes these odd sizes take a bit more patience to put together,I often put together those with the same size in between working on one like this with multiple sizes.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.